Infrastructure Group

During our early phase, we are putting most of our effort into creating groups to focus on a few important aspects of the Meta Project. Several people have suggested we have a group which looks at what kinds of infrastructural elements we will need. This group's mandate might include the design and planning for:

  1. List of Grand Challenges
  2. Mapping people and projects
  3. List of infrastructural needs
  4. Badges of ability to contribute
  5. Metrics of Progress and Contribution
  6. Coordination of funds
  7. Easily navigable graph of hierarchal data
A pull plan might look like this

Our end goal: We possess billions of dollars and have hundreds of projects and thousands of people in coordinated action solving all the hard problems. This pulls in the need for a compelling funding invitation, articulation of those hard problems and the projects working to resolve them, assignment of people to projects, metrics of progress. These needs pull for a well organized repository of all relevant data and description that is easy to browse and where nothing is hidden, a core team whose members will assure smooth functioning, resolve issues and workaround obstacles.

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