16.5.6 Energy Justice and Reform

The New Vision and Plan recognizes that the current energy systems and structures have contributed to the Meta Crisis and perpetuated injustice, inequality, and environmental degradation. Therefore, it prioritizes the creation of interoperable, sustainable and just energy systems whose exclusive Goal is the eternal well-being of all people and the planet. This includes a responsible and phased transition from fossil fuels to small modular nuclear power, and ultimately beyond to plasma and renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and geothermal, as well as the reform of current energy systems and structures to make them more efficient, equitable, and accessible to all.

It also calls for the the fundamental transformation of energy stewardship on earth away from capital and government domination, and for citizen led development of decentralized energy systems that are owned, controlled and stewarded by local communities and individuals, rather than centralized and controlled by a small group of corporations or governments.

This includes the promotion of local and community-based solutions and local self-governance, which empowers individuals and communities to address their own specific energy needs and circumstances independent of central metering or control.

Furthermore, it prioritizes the creation of policies and programs that address issues related to energy poverty and access, such as providing adequate clean reliable energy to all communities, especially the most disadvantaged. This New Era of abundant, clean, locally stewarded energy will not only empower the development of individuals and communities towards their potential, but will break the grip of poverty and allow for better stewardship and protection of the environment as a consequence of not having to exploit it for basic fuel and warmth.

The New Vision and Plan for energy, like all aspects of the Lionsberg System, calls for the reintegration of traditional and modern wisdom and knowledge, and the empowerment of local citizen led efforts to take charge of their own energy development and well-being. This includes the promotion of community-based solutions and local self-governance, which empowers individuals and communities to address their own specific energy needs and circumstances, backed by the resources, tools, knowledge, and support of the global community.

The Lionsberg System and Approach results in a fundamentally transformed, aligned, and integrated energy system that is based on the principle of eternal regenerativity, respect for the interdependence of all life, and the recognition of the inherent value of all living beings and ecosystems. The New energy system is designed to be regenerative, resilient and adaptive to the ever-changing nature of the Meta Crisis and the emergence of the New World. It is a system that is capable of rapidly and agilely responding to new challenges and opportunities as they arise, and the establishment of mechanisms for rapid and continuous improvement and learning as new technologies, breakthroughs, and ideas emerge. The new energy system is also integrated in a wise, balanced, and comprehensive way with the other elements of the Lionsberg System, and is designed to support the well-being and development of all inhabitants of Earth.

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