16.5.7 Infrastructure Justice and Reform

The New Vision and Plan recognizes that inequality of access, corruption, and decay of human infrastructure systems have contributed to the Meta Crisis and perpetuated corruption, injustice, and inequality. Therefore, it prioritizes the creation of just and enlightened infrastructure systems that are transparent, accountable, universally accessible, and responsive to the needs and aspirations of all individuals and communities, and not just the privileged elite.

This includes fundamental reforms to the existing systems of infrastructure, such as the creation of more localized, participatory, and decentralized systems that are owned and controlled by the communities they serve. Additionally, the New Vision and Plan calls for the cancellation of all deals that have sold out local access and infrastructure to large governments and corporations, and for the return and redistribution of infrastructure to wise mechanisms of local community stewardship. This includes the return of all basic infrastructure systems that deliver transportation, energy, water, sanitation to local community stewardship, by and for the well-being and development of the local community and region.

The New Vision and Plan categorically rejects the exploitation of the basic needs of humanity for the power or profit of remote shareholder or political groups who meter or otherwise restrain access to the essentials of a flourishing and abundant life.

The New Vision and Plan also prioritizes the creation of infrastructure systems that are resilient, adaptive, and responsive to the ever-changing nature of the Meta Crisis, and the emergence of the interoperable and abundant New world. This includes the development of systems and structures that are capable of rapidly and agilely responding to new challenges and opportunities as they arise, and the establishment of mechanisms for rapid and continuous improvement and learning.

As part of the Universal Jubilee, the New Vision and Plan call for the cancellation of all corrupt and self-interested deals that have resulted in metering and profiteering on the essentials of life by corporate and government interests, who at the same time have restricted access and polluted alternative sources that could liberate humanity from their monopolies. This calls for the return of all basic infrastructure systems that deliver transportation, energy, water, and sanitation to local community stewardship, by and for the well-being and development of the community, region, and permeating ecosystems.

The Lionsberg System and Approach results in a fundamentally transformed infrastructure system that is based on the principle of subsidiarity, meaning that the infrastructure system is composed of a multitude of self-governing communities, and that the role of higher level governance is to support and empower the self-governing communities to govern themselves, rather than to govern or control them.

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