Pain, Perceived Pain, and Change

It has been said that human beings will not change until the perceived pain associated with change becomes less than the current pain they are experiencing.

Has the human race finally reached that tipping point? Have we suffered enough and witnessed enough suffering to be willing to transform? Have we been able to pause and look down the road to see the logical end of our current trajectory?

A specific purpose of this book is to bring greater awareness to the acute level of current and future pain and suffering that we avert our eyes from and ignore. It is also to bring greater awareness to natural and mathematical outcome of the logic and trajectory we are on towards far greater suffering.

But beyond increasing the awareness of the current and future pain that will grow more acute if we do not change, this book is also intended to reduce the perceived pain of change.

To lay out a framework and a pragmatic plan of united action towards a New World that can be better in every way that the Old World we are leaving behind.

It is time to stop clinging to the side of the pool and swim. It is time to untie ourselves from the dock and the false sense of security it gives us, and set out on the epic Quest towards Destiny

We have done our best to understand the philosophy and teaching. We have the basic ideas. Now it is time to practice and transform.

The perceived pain and fear associated with change is real, but the pain of staying on our present trajectory will be far worse.

The building is on fire. It is time to move.

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