Lionsberg WikiCast Episode Template

Episode Title - Episode Number

Release Date: MM/DD/YYYY

Duration: HH:MM:SS

Guest(s): [If applicable] Name, Title, Organization/Background

Host: Jordan Nicholas Sukut

YouTube Link: [Insert YouTube video URL]

Podcast Links:

  • [Apple Podcasts](Insert link)
  • [Google Podcasts](Insert link)
  • [Spotify](Insert link)

Episode Summary: Briefly describe the main topics and key points discussed in the episode, along with any relevant highlights or takeaways.


  • 00:00:00 - Introduction
  • 00:00:00 - Topic 1
  • 00:00:00 - Topic 2
  • ...
  • 00:00:00 - Closing remarks

Key Concepts and Ideas:

  • Concept 1: Brief description and/or context from the episode
  • Concept 2: Brief description and/or context from the episode
  • ...

Resources and Links:

  • [Resource 1](Insert link): Brief description of the resource and its relevance to the episode
  • [Resource 2](Insert link): Brief description of the resource and its relevance to the episode
  • ...

Join the Discussion:

  • [Above The Chaos Group on the Lionsberg Platform](Insert link)
  • [Social Media Channels](Insert links)
  • [Email List](Insert link)

Transcript with Wiki Links

Episode Format

  1. Attention-grabbing hook (30 - 60 seconds):

    1. Precious opportunity to catch attention in first 3 to 10 sections
    2. Start each episode with a short, intriguing statement, question, or segment of the podcast that captures the essence of the episode and piques the listener's curiosity. This can be a quote from the guest, a provocative question, a section of dialogue, or a surprising fact related to the episode's theme.
    3. This will be generated by Rico out of the dialogue
  2. Host introduction (1 to 2 minutes): The host, Jordan Nicholas Sukut, welcomes listeners to the podcast, briefly introduces the episode's theme or topic, and provides a quick overview of the podcast's purpose and mission.

    1. Hello everyone
    2. Introduce the guest
    3. Why this guest, why important to listen to what they have to say
    4. Here is my conversation with X...
    5. Jordan will record this separately, after the interview...
  3. Intro music/theme (10 to 15 seconds): Play a brief, catchy intro music/theme that sets the tone for the podcast and creates a sense of consistency across episodes.

    1. Musical theme and logo
    2. Music fades into dialogue
  4. Dialogue (60 to 90 minutes):

  5. Outro (1 to 2 min):

    1. Asking guests a profound question
    2. Call to action
  6. Exit with Musical Theme

Types of Episodes

  1. Intro Episode
  2. Interview Episodes
  3. Community Update Episodes

Example: "Hello friends and allies, welcome to Above The Chaos, where we seek to rise above the chaos to confront and overcome the Meta Crisis and forge a better world. I am your host, Jordan Nicholas, and it is an honor to share this time and attention with you today. In today's episode, we're joined by [guest's name], who will share their insights on [episode topic]. Together, we'll explore strategies, ideas, and solutions to unite the Force For Good, meet the needs and solve the problems at hand, and forge the better future we all desire."

  1. Guest introduction (90-120 seconds): Provide a brief introduction of the guest, including their background, expertise, and accomplishments relevant to the episode's theme or topic.

  2. Main segment (Variable duration, avg 90 minutes): Engage in a conversation with the guest, asking questions, discussing ideas, and delving into the episode's theme or topic. The format may include interviews, panel discussions, or solo commentary.

  3. Audience engagement (5-10 minutes, if applicable): Allocate a portion of the episode to address questions or comments from listeners. This can be done through live Q&A, social media, or email submissions.

  4. Recap and key takeaways (2-3 minutes): Briefly summarize the main points discussed in the episode, highlighting key takeaways for listeners to remember and apply in their own lives.

  5. Call to action (1-2 minutes): Encourage listeners to take specific actions in support of the podcast and its mission, such as subscribing, sharing the episode, joining the Lionsberg Platform, or participating in the community.

Example: "Thank you for joining us today on Above The Chaos. If you found value in this episode, please subscribe, share it with your friends, and join the Lionsberg Platform to be a part of our growing community. Together, we can confront and overcome the Meta Crisis, halt the advance of the giants, and forge the New World."

  1. Outro music/theme (30-45 seconds): Play the podcast's outro music/theme to signal the end of the episode and create a sense of closure.


"Hello friends and allies, welcome to Above The Chaos. Our mission is to arise and unite to confront and overcome the world's most pressing challenges and existential threats, and forge the better world we believe is possible. I'm your host, Jordan Nicholas.

Join us each week as we engage in thought-provoking conversations with courageous visionaries, dedicated change makers, and impassioned Citizens from across the globe.

Together, we'll shine a light into the darkest places and most daunting challenges and identify solutions, strategies, and tactics, while celebrating the people and ideas that have the potential to help us co-create the future we all aspire to.

If you're ready to elevate your perspective and become an integral part of the solution at this defining moment in history, subscribe now, and let's embark together on this transformative Quest. I look forward to seeing you soon.

[Background music fades out]"

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