3.9 Aligning Your Aim

There is an interesting thing that happens when We plumb the depths of our Being, especially if We discover that at the deepest level, We are flowing from something greater than Our Selves.

If We really understand the Highest and Deepest thing in Our Story, and if We assume that It is at least as conscious and intelligent and potent as We are, then it becomes a moral and ethical imperative to align Our Aim with the Aim of that Highest and Deepest Thing.

It becomes a moral and ethical imperative to understand what the Highest Thing has in Mind and Intends, and to align Our Selves to It.

On a worksite, every worker and every team has to understand the Designer's Intent, and then deploy their unique skill set and perform their unique role to bring that Intention Into Reality.

The Intention of the Architect becomes the overarching and uniting shared Intention of everyone on the worksite.

What the Architect has in Mind becomes the overarching and uniting Thing that All have in Mind.

It is no different on Worksite Earth.

What do You think the Supreme Architect has in mind for Worksite Earth?

What do You think is in the Mind of the One Who is creating and sustaining All of this?

How does Your Aim align with the Aim of the One and the All?

What might happen if All aimed at the One Highest Intention, and each did their unique part to bring it into Reality?

What might happen if We were All agents of One overarching and uniting Thing?

How does Your Aim, align with Our Aim, align with the Aim of All, and align with the Aim of the One?

Are they in perfect Harmony?

If they all hit their mark, would the result be a universal Symphony?

If not, what would need to change in Your Story and Your Aim to bring it into Harmony with One and All?

Forward to 3.10 The Highest and Best Possible Future
Back to 3.8 The One Highest Thing
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