In contemplating the aspirations and philosophical underpinnings of Lionsberg, a critical question arises: how does this Eternal Vision intersect with and inform the existing structures of law and governance in our present Space and Time? The spiritual and philosophical elements of Lionsberg, deeply rooted in the New Covenant and universal principles and mediated by the Spirit of God, offer a transformative framework that transcends temporal limitations. However, to actualize and operationalize its Mission, Lionsberg must descend and engage pragmatically with existing legal and institutional frameworks, not as opposition but as transcendent and transformative agency.
The rule of law has long been considered the backbone of civil society. Rooted in notions of justice, fairness, and equality, it aims to create a stable environment where individual rights are protected, and societal obligations are met. But, can it also serve as a vehicle for realizing the spiritually-infused, principle-driven mission of Lionsberg?
In Lionsberg’s vision, the rule of law is neither an enemy nor an ally; it is a crucible in which its principles must prove their mettle. By aligning the rule of law with the Lionsberg System of Values—like Truth, Love, and Justice—the framework gains a renewed moral underpinning. In this context, law is not merely a codification of human-made rules but becomes a living and evolving incarnation of Divine Law, a mechanism to every more fully manifest God's Kingdom on Earth by continually conforming written law towards harmony with the unwritten and immutable Universal Law.
Effecting change through transcendence and transformation rather than revolution presupposes a deep understanding of existing laws, regulations, and governance structures. While the existing structures holding the Chaos of the past at bay should be honored and upheld, to merely conform is to submit to a failing order and miss an opportunity for the radical transformation and conformance of our world towards the Creator's Intention and Ideal. Thus, Lionsberg must take an ambidextrous approach: gathering together the Force For Good beyond and freely independent of all existing human institutions, it simultaneously seeks to honor and observe existing laws and structures, while working to actively transform those that conflict with its Principles and Values.
Independence is achieved by forging a transcendent New Constitution and System beyond the limitations of the Old Systems. The voluntary association of We The People of Goodwill is not subject to permission or review by any earthly authority. Interface with the systems of the Old World is achieved through a groundswell of Civic Engagement, active participation in legislative processes, dialogue with leaders, participation in public discourse, and through rapidly instantiating the Lionsberg System and Approach in local contexts around the world.
The bureaucratic and hierarchical systems that characterize most contemporary governance models are antithetical to the Spirit and Principles of the New Covenant, which animate Lionsberg. The Lionsberg System of Governance offers an transcendent alternative via an system and structure where responsibility, authority, and decision-making are distributed to the greatest extent possible among Sovereign and Autonomous agents (individuals, families, organizations, communities, bioregions, tribes, etc.). In such a system, governance becomes local, fluid, flexible, and Spirit Led, adapting to the challenges and opportunities that emerge as we navigate together towards Destiny. Decentralized technologies further strengthen this governance model by providing a transparent and immutable system of record-keeping and value exchange.
As more and more individuals, families, organizations, tribes, and localities adopt the Lionsberg System of Governance voluntarily from the bottom up, we will collectively require less and less support from the failing systems of the Old World, and will be able to exercise our democratic rights to transform their functions and reallocate their resources in the Wise Right Way.
Any governance activities within Lionsberg should serve as a living manifestations of its core principles. This involves the integration of ethical considerations into every legislative and administrative action, serving as a constant process of recalibration towards the The Goal of the Kingdom of God. The complexity of this integration is non-trivial, as it necessitates a nuanced understanding of both Divine Wisdom and earthly practicalities, in a phased approach that transforms and organically complexifies across Time and Space.
For long-term regenerativity and transformation, the Lionsberg Constitution provides a living document that seeks to embody the Spirit of the New Covenant, while inviting all peoples, tribes, and nations to participate in it.
The Lionsberg Constitutional Revisioning Process provides a framework not only for the continuous improvement of the Lionsberg Constitution itself, but also for the continuous improvement and alignment of the Constitutions of every Sovereign Individual, Family, Organization, Community, Tribe, and Nation on Earth.
By inviting every Sovereign Agent to articulate or revision their own Constitution to localize and adapt the Spirit of the New Covenant to their unique situation, Time, and Space, and by inviting those Constitutions to formalize a federation with Lionsberg, and thereby One Another, Lionsberg provides a transcendent pathway towards the total transformational realignment of governance on Earth within the course of the 10 Year Grand Strategy, and the broader Generational Transformation.
This constitutional process, coupled with the transformational legislative processes that logically flow from it, adheres to and upholds while spiritually, ethically, and pragmatically elevating the prevailing legal frameworks.
By enshrining the Lionsberg System of Values and the New Covenant in its core governing documents, Lionsberg affirms its Highest Ultimate Allegiance—toward God and His Kingdom—as it goes about the pragmatic business of transforming and realigning earthly governance accordingly.
By consciously transcending and navigating the complexities of existing legal and institutional frameworks while injecting them with transformative spiritual and philosophical principles, Lionsberg acts as an Ark and a Bridge, reaching out, touching, and honoring the Old, while inviting transformational Movement towards the New.
In so doing, it challenges existing systems to evolve or be left behind, inviting them into the higher state of existence envisioned by the New Covenant and the Creator's Intent, while recognizing that all such transformation must occur voluntarily from the bottom up.
The objective is a seamless synergy between the eternal and the immediate, the unchanging Divine and the ever-changing human condition. In this alignment lies Lionsberg's true promise: to usher in a Kingdom that is both in this world but not of it, a real-world manifestation of the Divine Plan, and reflection of the Creator's Intent.
The End result is One Citizenship, Under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All.