It is shocking and disorienting to progressively Realize that we have been living in a great illusion. Blind and asleep within a great machine that we were born into. Our Mind chained to the oars of the decaying vessel of the Old World.
Reality as it has been presented to us is not Reality as such.
History as it has been presented to us is not History as such.
From the present darkness, after generations spent babbling in the Caves, we cannot possibly imagine the light that lies beyond the Boundary of our captivity.
Nations, religions, and political parties that once looked immovable are beginning to crumble. Their unholy alliance is starting to reveal the signs of its inherent and inevitable decay. See the beams of Light beginning to break through and pierce the darkness!
They have become deeply corrupted by That Which is Corrupting and Destroying the Old World. They have failed to live up to the Principles and Ideals they espoused. They have compromised themselves and descended from the heights of their words, down into the mire of actualized and embodied decay.
Many of the leaders we have looked to for help have ben revealed to be like wolves, expertly trained to separate, divide and exploit the sheep they pen in and prey upon.
They unctuously smile, but when they grin too big their blood stained teeth betray them.
Even the physical world and SpaceTime as you Perceive them are a myth of extraordinary proportion - and yet they are the lens through which we must interact with the underlying Reality. What is deeper, what is Beyond, is an inheritance of immeasurable worth.
The Old has been endlessly whitewashed to appear strong on the outside, but beneath the many coats of paint it is full of rot, decay, and corruption.
The Old is passing away.
Something New is arising.
Something New is emerging.
We grew up being forced to pledge allegiance to the flag(s), to honor the pictures of the leader(s,) and to even fight and die for the (party | ideology | nation | religion | sect) into which we were penned.
How was it working? Were we confident in the future? We were sure that our children’s grandchildren will flourish in the walled garden of a properly ordered and abundant society? Were we hopeful? Were we joyful? Were our souls at rest? Were we experiencing the profound sense of Purpose and Meaning that comes when the fullness of our beings are properly engaged in the noble and worthy cause for which we were uniquely created?
Something is deeply wrong. Can we feel it? Crying out from deep within us? Shattering the artificially imposed silence?
We can all sense it. All Creation can sense it. If we are unwilling to speak the stones and the mountains will cry out!
We all see the lie. We all see the corruption. We all see the decay. Now that we know, with each moment we eat their grey poisonous food, take their grey poisonous medicine, and repeat their grey poisonous lies we are betraying out souls.
The whispers are growing. We can hear the rustle of chains. We can the great and growing procession towards Liberty.
It is time to break free from our Caves.
It is going to be a long process until we can fully articulate what was going on and how we got to where we were.
But for now we know the Way out of the mess, and into a future that can be better and more brilliant in every way than the checkered, tragic, cruel, and glorious past we are leaving behind.
First, we must be willing to leave behind the comforts and safety of our known captivity, to go out into the Unknown and come face to face with Reality, no matter what it may bring.
First , we must gather up our Courage, join the great procession, and venture out beyond the Boundary of Knowing, willing to encounter whatever it is that lies Beyond for the sake of our great Quest towards Freedom and Destiny.