When I speak to people of different traditions, we seem to nearly universally understand and agree that there is One ultimate Uncaused Cause from which All things manifest, through which All things are sustained, and to which All things return.
We seem to nearly universally understand and agree that the Spirit or Essence of One is (something like) Absolute And Unconditional Love.
We seem to nearly universally understand and agree what constitutes the basic Patterns of Failure / Patterns of Death / Sin, and what constitutes the basic Patterns of Life / Patterns of Success / Righteousness.
Even when I hear brilliant secular philosophers speak, there is an acknowledgement that although we can't understand its Nature, any Coherent Philosophical System must acknowledge outside of its at least one brute fact or principle.
And we seem to all intuitively understand that knowing what would bring us joy, and what would bring us suffering, we ought to act in the world in such a way that we do unto others what we would want done unto us, and that we refrain from doing unto others what we would not want done unto us.
This Agreement on what we share in common as we All Wrestle With God is a powerful and adequate basis for Loving Co-Operation and Right Relationship.
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