6.9 What Is Better? What Is Good?

It is a strange thing, this deep Knowledge and Understanding that we must do Better.

What does that even mean?

Why is it a concept that All of us Know?

Why does our heart and soul cry out for Justice?

Why does our heart and soul cry out for Truth to be revealed?

Why can we say “That is not Fair”, or “That is not Good” and All Know what it means?

Why does our heart and soul cry out for something more, for something Better?

What does Better mean? What is Better?

What is it that all Creation is longing and groaning for?

Something that is Better is something that is of a superior, higher, or more excellent Quality.

The moment we invoke the notion of Quality, or comparative Goodness, Value, or Worth, we invoke the idea of a Standard or Ideal against which are measuring things.

We invoke the notion that there is something objectively outside of us, against which the relative Goodness of All things can be compared.

We invoke the notion that there is an objective Judge, embodying and upholding a Standard.

This then naturally flows into establishing an Order, or Hierarchy, of relative Goodness, from Most Good to Least Good, or Most Anti-Good.

At the top of the Order of Goodness is the Most Good.

The Ideal. The Zenith. The Most Worthy. The Most Awesome. The Highest. The Good that contains within Itself and properly Orders all other Goods. The Most High Good.

The strange thing is that this Ideal is also a Judge.

It is the One who weighs the All.

It is the One who determines what is lacking, and what has true Value.

The One who determines what is Anti-Good, Good, Better, and Best.

The Perfect and Objective Standard. The Goal. The Highest and Greatest. The One.

Against which All else is measured.

That which conforms more nearly to the Perfect Standard of the One is Better.

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