5.15 Transformation and Emergence

How do we Become?

Becoming is a never ending process of Transformation.

It is a continual death of the False Self and a continual resurrection of the True Self.

It is a continual death of the Old and a continual resurrection of the New.

It is a continual Co-Creation or filling up of what is lacking, and a removal or destruction of all that is not intended to be here now.

It is a continual Re-Creation of the New, and purging of the Old.

It is a continual application of the transformational Patterns of Life, and shedding of the Patterns of Death.

It is an ongoing rediscovery and fulfillment of the unique and inherent Potential that is already within us and longing to Emerge.

You would not be longing for it, if it was not within you and able to be Realized.

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