9.3 A Final Call To Action

I expect very few will take the time to read what I have written, or invest the hours, months, and years required to understand the full context, strategy, and plan.

Therefore, if you believe in me and would like to advance this critical Mission together, take one simple action:

Go to www.JordanNicholas.org and show you support by Joining The Movement.

I have gone toe to toe with the spirit corrupting our society and sacrificed everything to get to this point. I am preparing to file bankruptcy, and my ability to advance The Mission is 100% reliant on public support.

I will do my best to faithfully steward, organize and lead all that I am entrusted with, no matter how small or large.

I will report to you no less frequently than twice a month, and provide ample opportunities for engagement, training, participation, and next steps as our path towards identifying and uniting The First 1,000 unfolds.

Together, we can stand and not only survive, but THRIVE through the coming transition.

With Deep Love, In Community,

~ J

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