17.1 The potential impact of the New Vision and Plan on individuals, communities, and the world

The New Vision and Plan, if fully implemented, has the potential to bring about significant positive impact on individuals, communities, and the world as a whole.

At the individual level, the New Vision and Plan has the potential to empower individuals to take control of their own development and well-being, by providing access to the resources, tools, knowledge, and support needed to address their specific needs and circumstances and develop towards the fullness of their potential. This includes access to world-class education, healthcare, information, energy, infrastructure, and basic needs, as well as the promotion of holistic physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. It also includes pragmatic means to match up each individual to meaningful work and meaningful relationships that create a deep sense of purpose and belonging.

At the community level, the New Vision and Plan has the potential to empower local communities to take charge of their own development and well-being, by promoting community-based solutions and local self-governance, and by providing access to the resources, tools, knowledge, and support needed to address their specific needs and circumstances. This includes liberation from isolation and scarcity, and coming into community, interoperation, and right relationship with communities around the world who are helping one another develop towards their unique local potential and flourish.

At the global level, the New Vision and Plan has the potential to bring about a more just, sustainable, and equitable world, by shattering the false illusions of separation and scarcity, addressing the multiple dimensions of the Meta Crisis comprehensively, and empowering humanity to co-create a better future for humanity and all life on Earth. This includes addressing issues such as environmental stewardship, poverty, economic inequality, social injustice, discrimination, and political corruption, as well as promoting the sustainable and efficient use of resources, and the protection, preservation, and regeneration of the natural environment.

The New Vision and Plan also has the potential to create a more harmonious and cooperative world, by making more visible the interconnectedness of all aspects of life, and the development of systems and structures that support the well-being of all inhabitants of Earth, both now and for future generations. The Lionsberg System and Approach results in a fundamentally transformed human system, reintegrated and rebalanced with the Living System that must eternally sustain all generations of life. The basic Pattern Language of the New System, voluntarily embodied throughout the earth, results in a planet in which all things are helping one another develop towards the fullness of their unique individual and local potential, and flourish in harmony.

This results in a world that is already perfect, and yet continues to get a little better every day as all generations of life work together in harmony to make it so.

It is important to note that these potential impacts are dependent on the successful implementation and widespread adoption of the New Vision and Plan. It requires the active participation and commitment of individuals, communities, and governments to bring it to fruition. It also requires the willingness to rethink and transform current systems and structures that perpetuate the Meta Crisis, and to embrace new ways of thinking, living, and being that are in alignment with the principles and values of the New World.

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