Transforming Conflict

We are all human. The Common Journey is difficult. We all have needs, hopes, triggers, insecurities and concerns that we experience as emotions.

These emotions sometimes drive us into conflict.

The Center for Non-Violent Communication and others have well developed trainings in how to become skillful at transforming conflict.

A facilitator for conflict transformation will need to have some unusual skills:

  • deep listening
  • empathy
  • insightful reflections
  • asking wise and dignifying questions

A skill badge for conflict resolution would indicate a high likelihood that the bearer can surface and transform conflict and bring the parties into harmony and trust.

Conflict is resolved in the context of a community system and a value system. Differences will always emerge, and allowing them to surface and be articulated and heard is an important step.

Conflict is a sub-category of Issues, and can follow a process similar to Identifying And Solving Issues.

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