16.5.9 A Comprehensive Approach to the Grand Challenges

The Lionsberg System and the New Vision and Plan recognize that the Meta Crisis is an existential threat to life and society as we know it, and that it requires a comprehensive and holistic approach to effectively address it and forge the better future we all desire. In the context of this whole systems approach, the New Vision and Plan identifies a Total Nested Hierarchy of Issues and challenges whose root causes must be fundamentally transformed in order to co-create a better future for humanity and all life on Earth.

While each of these individual issues is in the final analysis the result of a fundamentally flawed and inadequate Old Operating System, it is helpful to differentiate and articulate some of the specific Grand Challenges facing humanity and life aboard Earth:

  1. Environmental Degradation: The New Vision and Plan recognizes that the continued extraction of finite resources and destruction of natural habitats, air, water, and soil are an overt act of bad stewardship of our planet, and are leading to a severe complex of environmental risks and challenges. This Grand Challenge calls for the immediate transition to clean and renewable energy, the protection and restoration of natural habitats, the adoption of regenerative and circular economic models, and the elimination of the political and legal abstractions that allow true costs and responsibility to be externalized by bad actors.

  2. Poverty and Economic Inequality: The New Vision and Plan acknowledges that poverty and economic inequality are at the root of many of the world's problems, and that addressing them is essential to ensuring that all people have the opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential. The New Vision and Plan calls for the creation of economic systems and structures that promote justice, equality, and fairness for all citizens, as well as the establishment of a Universal Jubilee and Commitment Based Universal Basic Income for those who dedicate their capacities and resources towards improving themselves, their local communities, and their environment.

  3. Social Injustice and Discrimination: The New Vision and Plan recognizes that social injustice and discrimination are major drivers of the Meta Crisis, and that addressing them is essential to ensuring that all people have the opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential. The New Vision and Plan calls for the creation of social systems and structures that promote justice, equity, and fairness for all, as well as the reform of systems such as education, healthcare, and criminal justice to address issues discrimination, oppression, deceit, exploitation and injustice in all their forms. The New Vision and Plan also calls for the dismantling of structures and systems that uphold and maintain the status quo of injustices and imbalances.

  4. Governance and Political Reform: The New Vision and Plan recognizes that unjust and unenlightened governance and political systems have contributed to the Meta Crisis and perpetuated corruption, injustice, and inequality. This Grand Challenge calls for the creation of just and enlightened governance and political systems that are transparent, accountable, and responsive to the needs and aspirations of all individuals and communities. This includes fundamental reforms to existing structures of governance and politics, such as the creation of more representative, participatory, and decentralized systems of government, the establishment of citizen-led oversight and accountability mechanisms, and the decentralization of power to ensure that decisions are made at the most appropriate level. This includes fundamental reforms to existing structures of governance and politics, such as the creation of more representative, participatory, and decentralized systems of government, the establishment of citizen-led oversight and accountability mechanisms, and the decentralization of power to ensure that decisions are made at the most appropriate level according to the dictates of the conscience of those most affected by the decisions.

  5. Health and Wellbeing: The New Vision and Plan recognizes that the Meta Crisis has had a detrimental impact on overall human health and wellbeing. This Grand Challenge calls for the integration of all dimensions of health and wellbeing into the New Vision and Plan, including universal access to world-class healthcare, information, and education, as well as the promotion of holistic physical, mental, and spiritual well-being at the individual and community levels. The New Vision and Plan also recognizes that billions are suffering degraded health as a result of the toxic pollution and degradation of our air, water, soil, and built environment, and that lasting wellbeing will require that all poisons destroying the wellbeing of life be stopped as immediately as possible at their source, and those polluting the environment be held responsible for the damage and destruction they are causing.

  6. Resource depletion and Scarcity: The New Vision and Plan recognizes that the unsustainable exploitation and depletion of natural resources for short-term self-interested gain has contributed to the Meta Crisis. This Grand Challenge calls for the implementation of policies and practices that prioritize the sustainable and efficient multi-generational stewardship of the earth and all it contains, and the transition to regenerative and circular economic models that respect the eternal interdependence of all life on Earth.

  7. Population and Urbanization Shifts: The New Vision and Plan recognizes that population changes and urbanization are contributing in various ways to different dimensions of the Meta Crisis. This Grand Challenge calls for the creation of regenerative and livable cities and communities, as well as the development of policies and programs that address issues related to the modulation of the human population in right balance and relationship to the entire Living System. Notably in contrast to genocidal ideologies that call for drastic population reduction, the Lionsberg System aims to realign humanity in service to and support of the Living System, such that the planet benefits from having a multitude of connected, empowered, and rightly related conscious beings working together to meet needs, solve problems, and accomplish goals that continuously improve our planet on behalf of all past, present, and future generations of life.

  8. Security and Conflict: The New Vision and Plan recognizes that the Meta Crisis has led to increased insecurity and conflicts around the world. This Grand Challenge calls for the strengthening of institutions and mechanisms for international cooperation and the resolution of conflicts, as well as the establishment of a more equitable, just, and properly ordered society. This includes the creation of new international coordinating bodies that are reflective of the will, intention, and diversity of all inhabitants of earth, as well as the reform of existing ones to ensure that they are more representative and accountable, and that they prioritize equally the well-being of all inhabitants of Earth in all times and all places. The New Vision and Plan also calls for a fundamental redefinition of the role of nation states, a transformation in rules that allow corrupt empires and oligarchies to unilaterally wage war, and a universal and progressive transformation of our accumulated weapons into transformational tools that help life flourish in harmony.

This is a just a small sampling of the hundreds of interrelated challenges and crises that are flowing from the Meta Crisis. Each of these Grand Challenges must be confronted and overcome in order to effectively address the Meta Crisis and co-create a better future for humanity and all life on Earth. The Lionsberg System and Approach provides a comprehensive and holistic framework to address each of these Grand Challenges and create the conditions for universal and eternal flourishing. This is accomplished through a fundamental transformation of the human operating system and way of being as a species on planet earth, such that the root causes of suffering and justice are transformed, and the fruit of flourishing and abundant life manifests from root systems and structures that are truly right, wise, and good.

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