16.5.4 Governance and Political Reform

The New Vision and Plan recognizes that unjust and unenlightened governance and political systems have contributed to the Meta Crisis and perpetuated corruption, injustice, and inequality, while operating in self-interested ways for the benefit of a small elite that are antithetical to the wellbeing of localities, tribes, nations, and the earth. Therefore, it prioritizes the creation of just and enlightened governance and political systems that are transparent, accountable, and responsive to the needs and aspirations of all individuals and communities.

This includes fundamental reforms to the existing structures of governance and politics, such as the creation of a more representative, participatory, and decentralized systems of government, the establishment of citizen-led oversight and accountability mechanisms, and the decentralization of power to ensure that decisions are made at the most appropriate level. Additionally, the New Vision and Plan calls for the creation of new forms of governance and politics that are not limited by the traditional boundaries of nation-states and that prioritize the well-being of all inhabitants of Earth.

The New Vision and Plan also prioritizes the strengthening of institutions and mechanisms for international cooperation and the resolution of conflicts, and the establishment of a more equitable, just, and properly ordered society. This includes the creation of new international coordinating bodies that are reflective of the will, intention, and diversity of all inhabitants of earth, as well as the reform of existing ones to ensure that they are more representative and accountable, and that they prioritize equally the well-being of all inhabitants of Earth in all times and all places.

The New Vision and Plan also stresses the importance of creating governance and political systems that are inclusive, just, and responsive to the needs of marginalized communities, and that recognize and respect the rights and dignity of all individuals, regardless of their background or identity. This includes the creation of policies and programs that address issues systematic discrimination, exclusion, lack of access, as well as oppression in all its forms, and the establishment of citizen-led oversight and accountability mechanisms to ensure that these policies and programs are effective and responsive to the problems and needs of historically marginalized communities.

The New Vision and Plan also prioritizes the creation of governance and political systems that are resilient, adaptive, and responsive to the ever-changing nature of the Meta Crisis, and the emergence of the New world. This includes the development of systems and structures that are capable of rapidly and agilely responding to new challenges and opportunities as they arise, and the establishment of mechanisms for rapid and continuous improvement and learning.

The Lionsberg System and Approach results in a fundamentally transformed governance and political system that is based on the principle of subsidiarity, meaning that the governance and political system is composed of a multitude of self-governing communities, and that the role of higher level governance is to support and empower the self-governing communities to govern themselves, rather than govern them. This system is brought into existence through entirely voluntarily participation in the New System and Approach, such that the Old Systems can gradually fade away without revolution or a collapse into chaos and anarchy.

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