Template For Agreement With Self - Temporal

This template assists you in establishing specific, short-term goals and milestones that support the transformative journey outlined in your Eternal Agreement with Self. Use this template to create actionable commitments and strategies for personal growth and development in alignment with your higher self. We recommend as a starting point doing a Retrospective and making a new Temporal Agreement with your Self each Quarter.


  • Reflect on your current life situation, Where You Are, and How You Got Here
  • Reflect on Where You Are Going, and the short-term goals you wish to achieve to Progress
  • Identify the Steps and Milestones necessary to reach those Goals. We recommend focusing on no more than 3 goals per quarter.
  • Outline a plan for monitoring progress and adjusting as needed
  • Commit to regular reviews and updates of your Temporal Agreement, and use your Quarterly agreement to inform your monthly, weekly, and daily plans.

Template: I, [Your Name], in alignment with my Eternal Agreement with Self, commit to the following short-term goals and milestones to Progress towards The Goal:

  1. Goal 1: [Description]

    • Milestone 1: [Description]
    • Milestone 2: [Description]
    • Milestone 3: [Description]
  2. Goal 2: [Description]

    • Milestone 1: [Description]
    • Milestone 2: [Description]
    • Milestone 3: [Description]
  3. Goal 3: [Description]

    • Milestone 1: [Description]
    • Milestone 2: [Description]
    • Milestone 3: [Description]

To ensure progress towards these goals, I commit to:

  • Regularly reviewing and updating this agreement as needed
  • Monitoring my progress and making adjustments when necessary
  • Holding myself accountable for the actions and commitments outlined in this agreement
  • Sharing this plan with a small group or partner who loves me, wants the best for me, and is committed to helping me progress

Signed: [Your Name] Date: [Date]