Template For Agreement Between Groups

This template guides you in creating a collaborative agreement between two or more groups, outlining the roles, responsibilities, values, and principles of each group. The purpose of this agreement is to facilitate harmonious and effective collaboration towards shared goals or projects while ensuring alignment with the Higher Order Agreements each group and its members have made.


  • Reflect on the shared goals or projects that form the basis of collaboration between the groups
  • Discuss the values, principles, and expectations of each group involved
  • Define the roles and responsibilities of each group in the collaboration
  • Establish communication and decision-making processes between the groups
  • Outline a plan for monitoring progress, resolving conflicts, and adjusting as needed
  • Contemplate how the collaboration between the groups can contribute to the Progress of each group, and the collective well-being of All

Template: We, the representatives of [Group Names], commit to collaborating on [Project/Goal] with integrity, love, and compassion, in alignment and Right Relationship with our respective group's Higher Order Agreements. In doing so, we agree to uphold the following shared principles and values:

  1. Principle/Value 1: [Description]
  2. Principle/Value 2: [Description]
  3. Principle/Value 3: [Description]
  4. Principle/Value 4: [Description]
  5. Principle/Value 5: [Description]

In this collaboration between our groups, we agree to the following roles and responsibilities:

  • [Group Name]: [Role and responsibilities]
  • [Group Name]: [Role and responsibilities]

We commit to open and honest communication, mutual support, and shared decision-making processes that honor and respect the perspectives and contributions of all groups involved.

To facilitate this, we agree to the following rhythm of communication, check-ins, and Retrospective between the groups:

  • Frequency and method of communication: [Description]
  • Frequency and method of check-ins: [Description]
  • Frequency and method of Retrospective: [Description]

To ensure progress towards our shared goals and to maintain harmony within our collaboration, we agree to:

  • Regularly review and update this agreement as needed
  • Monitor our progress and make adjustments when necessary
  • Hold our groups and their members accountable for our actions and commitments
  • Resolve conflicts with respect, empathy, and a focus on finding mutually beneficial solutions
  • Reflect on how our collaboration contributes to our groups' journeys towards their Destiny and the well-being of All

Signed: [Representatives of Groups] Date: [Date]

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