Odysseus And Adverse Winds

The legendary Greek King, Odysseus, was almost home. The smoke from the families of the sailors could be seen in the distance, rising up from the seashore like a beacon of hope. The warm embrace of love and safety lay within reach, the danger and loneliness of the sea behind them. Odysseus breathed a sigh of relief, closed his eyes, and was soon asleep.

With the end in sight, Odysseus’s men finally found their opportunity. They crept over and greedily eyed the sack that had been so carefully concealed by their captain. With great anticipation of the riches that lay within, they tore open the sack. How their greed betrayed them! The sack did not contain gold, but the adverse winds that had been bottled up and given to Odysseus by King Aeolus! At once the winds fiercely rushed forth, driving the fleet of ships back across the treacherous oceans they had so valiantly struggled to navigate and overcome.

After thousands of years of adventure, perils and battles, the human race is almost home to a land of safety, freedom, and abundance. But the corrupt crew of the ship has their hands on the sack. Quick! Stop them before they release the winds!