Chapter 5 - In The Beginning, The Elohim...

As we open the Hebrew Bible anew, we discover in the beginning, the Elohim co-created the Earth, its inhabitants, and modern human beings.

For the last two millennia, the mistranslation of the opening lines of Genesis has successfully deceived billions of people, pulling The Veil down over the true the origins, identity, and inception of humanity and this planet.

The simple word Elohim may be the most important word in human history, and the key to The Greatest Fraud, Deception, and Existential Threat in History.

Translated into English in the modern Bible as "God", Elohim is a plural form, third person, which is accompanied by plural verbs.

In an attempt to fit and reconcile various parts of The Story with the false narratives of the Old Authorities, throughout the English Bible it is variously translated as governors, judges, legislators, chieftains, angels, and "the bright ones from above", describing the various functions of the Elohim (plural) as "the powerful ones" from above.

Despite the protestations of religious authorities, many Hebrew scholars argue that there is not actually a word in the ancient Hebrew for "God" as monotheistic believers describe it today.

The Hebrew text itself, as we have it today, describes the functions of the Elohim as a plurality of judges, governors, chieftans, legislators, powerful ones etc., without specifically stating who or what they were.

In the literal bibles and linguistic and parsing guides for scholars who understand Hebrew, it is clear that the word Elohim is plural, and it is respected and kept that way.

According to the post-hoc rules of the Old religious authorities, however, in the Bibles for the masses, it must be translated and made singular to refer to God, even though in the Hebrew it is clearly plural.

How this name for the plurality of powerful overlords from above came also to be applied by the Old Authorities to the One transcendent Ultimate Reality, or God, opens up a Journey into The Greatest Fraud, Deception, and Existential Threat in History.

What is crucial to remember is that these translational rules are not factually, grammatically and literally correct, nor are they ancient.

These translational rules are, in fact, the more modern post-hoc creations of religious and political authorities millennia after the original events were experienced, and began to be passed on through oral tradition.

This is merely one among many threads that can be pulled which clearly demonstrate the corruption, willful blindness, and deceitfulness of the Old Authorities, who kept their secret knowledge of the deeper realities hidden, while forging falsified elementary stories to deceive the Previously Illiterate Masses.

While Jordan was intimately familiar with the countless official-sounding explanations of the rule to translate Elohim as singular, referring to the Supreme Creator, it is pointless to address them one by one.

A thousand theology books or websites lay them out in great official-sounding detail.

The simple problem is that the interpretation, aside from all complex theological explanations, clearly does not match the Source Narratives or the experiences being conveyed through them.

As we reengage the Source Narratives, it becomes immediately clear that what we are reading in the bible are heavily redacted and ideologically manipulated summaries of the actual events the Israelites experienced in their relationship with (multiple) powerful and real Elohim.

When we then begin looking at the Source Narratives present in other adjacent cultures, such as ancient Mesopotamia, Sumeria, Babylonia, Akkadia, Assryia, etc., and comparing those with Source Narratives and sacred texts from around the world, we can begin piecing back together The Story of what was, and is, actually going on around here.

To refute this most deceitful and disastrous mistranslation, it is sufficient to look at the numerous examples where the word Elohim is clearly referring to a class, or plurality, of entities, among whom Yahweh is the one assigned to the Israelites.

In the bible, we have three basic nouns which serve as Word Tools pointing towards these aspects of the reality the Hebrews were experiencing:

  1. Elohim
  2. El, in Hebrew, likely the singular form of the term Elohim.
  3. Eloah

Remembering the common Phoenician / Canaan / Mediterranean origin of the Hebrew language, We can see similarities in adjacent languages:

In Aramaic, we have the word Elaha. In Siriac, we have the word Alaha. In Arabic, we have the word Ilah, from which comes Allah.

While at present We cannot Know precisely how the original texts were read, because they were written without vowels, it is clear that these terms, especially when the vowels are excluded, are all very similar.

What we can establish from looking both at the nouns and their associated verbs, which also take on singular and plural forms in Hebrew, is that these similar words refer to a category or plurality of powerful individuals who interacted with the tribes of the Mediterranean region.

As we step back and admit that there is clearly mistranslation and deceit in the Bibles produced for the masses...

...and then if we are courageous enough to admit that We Do Not Know...

...we can approach texts like the Bible with fresh humility, an open mind, and far greater accuracy by untranslating certain key terms like "God" or "Lord", which are blatantly mistranslated, into the original words used by the Biblical authors, such as Elohim, El, and Eloah, or the actual names of the various Elohim used, such as Yhwh, or Yahweh.

This approach is one of far greater respect to both the original Biblical authors, and the Truth.

As we step back and reread the Bible from this standpoint, we discover that many things that have confounded us for generations begin to make far more sense, as part of a far more fascinating and accurate story than the Old Authorities tried to pull over our eyes.

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