A few of the highest Quality are far superior to many that are mediocre.
For example:
In Knowledge, it is far better to know deeply a few things that are True, Wise, and Good, than to know many mediocre things.
In Martial Arts, it is far better master deeply a few things that actually work, than to practice and half-know many fancy techniques.
In Integrated Delivery, it is far better to master deeply a few basics, than to fail to operate a more complex system that is beyond your capacity.
In Reading, it is far better to read, reread, and truly comprehend the wisest and Most Worthy books from the wisest people, than to half-understand a wide array of mediocre writings.
A very few things moves nearly all things.
One moves a few, a few moves 3%, 3% moves 20%, and 20% moves 80%.