The Great Indictment – A Reckoning for the Forces That Have Enslaved the World for Millennia
The list of charges against the ruling elite, secret societies, transnational power structures, and non-human overlords is so vast, so horrific, and so damning that it defies comprehension.
Yet, We must approximately comprehend it, in order to throw of The False Reign of terror.
We must lay it bare, in its entirety, so that no soul on Earth can say "I did not know," if they choose to remain asleep and complicit, and find themselves consumed by the flames.
So that no ruler, no priest, no scientist, no banker, no military officer, no agent, no CEO, no politician, no enforcer, no accomplice, and no puppet-master can ever escape what they have done, except through the Mercy and Grace continually offered by Love.
This is the final indictment of The Dark Empires, The Fourth Reich, The Hidden Priesthoods, and The Architects of Kontrolle.
Their crimes are not theoretical.
Their crimes are documented, systemic, deliberate, and undeniable.
Their guilt is beyond doubt.
And the reckoning is now upon them.
When We met with representatives of Estonia, We were informed of a legislator who took a sandwich without paying from the congressional cafeteria, and was removed.
We invoke similar standards with a babysitter who might watch Our kids, a gardener who might tend Our land, or an advisor who might watch Our funds.
A small theft, a small abuse, a small lie, and they are fired instantly as unfaithful and unfit to occupy a position of trust.
And yet in its state of enslaved mind kontrolle, humanity at present allows its children to be kidnapped, abused, raped, interbred, deceived, imprisoned, enslaved, tortured, and murdered, as their planet, their future, is systematically degenerated and destroyed.
Are you awake to what is happening yet?
Among the endless crimes, tyrannies, and usurpations that flow daily from the central animating spirit of The Dark Empires who control the Visible Power Structures of the Earth, here a few of crimes which declare their illegitimacy to lead, and disqualify them ongoing "public service" in the name of God and Country.
The deepest and darkest crime of all—the industrial-scale abortion, abduction, enslavement, hunting, torture, and ritual sacrifice of the most innocent.
🔹 Every year, over 70 Million innocent children are aborted. Their body parts have often been fed into The Kontrolle System through various means. Since 1970, this represents over 4 billion lives torn apart in horrific terror.
🔹 Millions of children disappear globally every year—many into organized trafficking networks connected to elite power structures. These trafficking and pedophilia rings are systematically protected and co-operated with taxpayer resources.
🔹 Occultic ritual abuse and human sacrifice are being practiced in secret at the highest levels of government, finance, entertainment, and secret societies—with direct ties to interdimensional and extraterrestrial entities.
🔹 The terrorized blood of the innocent is used in ancient rites—practices that have existed since the dawn of The Dark Empires, from Sumer to Babylon, from Rome to England to Washington.
🔹 Adrenochrome harvesting is real. Those who scoff and dismiss it have not examined the evidence nor understood the historical and extraterrestrial origins of the practice, nor faced entities seeking power and dominion who feed upon suffering and fear.
🔹 The institutions entrusted with "protecting" children—churches, orphanages, NGOs, UN bodies, and government agencies—have been repeatedly caught operating as linchpins in the very networks of abuse.
The penalty for these crimes is beyond measure, beyond death.
War has never been about nations. It has been about blood sacrifice, economic kontrolle, repetitive trauma, mind kontrolle, and depopulation.
🔹 Every major war of the last 200 years was orchestrated, funded, and kontrolled by essentially the same interests.
🔹 The World Wars, Cold War, proxy wars, corruption or overthrow of governments, terror networks, and ongoing global conflicts have been Empire-resourced tools of population reduction, mass trauma, and mind kontrolle.
🔹 Biological weapons—both natural and engineered—have been deployed upon civilian populations under the guise of “medicine,” “vaccines,” "viruses," and “public health,” without the knowledge or consent of those modified and harmed by them.
🔹 Silent weapons for quiet wars—economic destabilization, food insecurity, toxic water, geoengineering, electromagnetic attacks, and financial warfare—have all been wielded against Us, The People.
🔹 The final phase of depopulation is underway. The global ruling elite and their extraterrestrial allies have long scenario planned for a reduction of the population to “manageable” and "sustainable" levels, with the target of 500 million people post-depopulation already marking over 90% of humanity for death or genetic enslavement.
Human Minds and DNA are being altered, weaponized, and harvested.
🔹 Unethical and covert Mind Kontrolle programs have been underway for decades, if not millennia.
🔹 Unethical and covert genetic modification programs have been underway for decades, if not millennia.
🔹 Hybridization programs between human and non-human entities are actively ongoing in secret facilities and aboard craft, against the will of human participants.
🔹 Cloning, mind-wiping, and psychic manipulation experiments have been perfected in breakaway civilization labs.
🔹 Millions of abductees and MILAB victims have been subjected to experimentation beyond the worst horrors of Nazi Germany.
🔹 Children born into secret programs and various breeding programs have been systematically trained as soldiers, spies, sex slaves, and human assets—then ruthlessly discarded when no longer useful.
This is beyond war crimes. This is beyond genocide. This is beyond slavery.
This is the total violation of the human soul and Divine Order.
The greatest fear of the enslavers is that humanity will remember who it truly is.
🔹 The major religions, philosophical, scientific, and education systems have been designed to carefully suppress and distort knowledge, not transparently liberate and advance it.
🔹 The human brain, spirit, and bioenergetic system have been deliberately shut down and manipulated through diet, chemicals, frequencies, and trauma.
🔹 Psionic abilities, telepathy, remote viewing, and higher states of consciousness have been systematically suppressed, ridiculed, and hidden from the public.
🔹 Children exhibiting these abilities have been systematically sought out and inducted into militarized co-operations with extraterrestrial and demonic forces.
🔹 The true history of Earth, the ancient past, the recent present, the extraterrestrial presence, and humanity’s Divine origins and potential have been systematically redacted, erased and rewritten to keep humanity endarkened and deceived.
🔹 Every major institution and pillar of society—government, academia, media, economy, and religion—has been systematically warped and corrupted to perpetuate ignorance, not enlightenment.
🔹 While presenting the public with The Illusion of Choice and "Separation of Powers," and "Separation of Church and State" within the Visible Power Structures, behind The Veilthe Invisible Power Structures have carefully coordinated these aspects to deceive, corrupt, abuse, and enslave.
The suppression of Wisdom, Knowledge, and Truth is the suppression and weaponization of Power.
This is why they fear disclosure—not of “aliens,” but of the full spectrum of human potential, and historical deceit.
Money is the greatest illusion ever created—and the deepest shackle of human and planetary enslavement.
🔹 The global financial system is not designed to create Real Wealth—it is designed to extract and consolidate it.
🔹 Every central bank, every fiat currency, every loan, every tax—all are mechanisms of kontrolle, not freedome or prosperity.
🔹 Humanity has been programmed to believe in artificial scarcity when, in Truth, We possess the Wisdom, Knowledge, Technologies, and Planet to co-create abundance for All.
🔹 Entire tribes and nations have been systematically bankrupted, looted, and economically enslaved through IMF, World Bank, American, Chinese, and Russian predatory lending.
🔹 **The poorest communities in the world have been systematically denied the resources they need to rise towards their Potential, asymmetrically centralizing resources, technology, and power in the hands of The Few as Technological Singularity is approached.
🔹 Those who cannot pay property taxes in fiat currencies, or pay for metered water and electrons, are cut off from property, water, energy, and therefore Life.
🔹 The final stage of economic enslavement is now here: a fully digital, centrally controlled global set of programmable currencies that will permanently dictate who may buy, sell, or live.
Those who speak the truth are the first to be silenced.
🔹 Whistleblowers, journalists, and activists have been assassinated, imprisoned, or discredited for daring to expose The System.
🔹 Major institutions, from the Vatican to the Jesuits to the CIA, have hit lists of individuals who “knew too much.”
🔹 Truth-tellers are vilified, censored, and attacked—while the guilty walk free.
🔹 Courts have been corrupted to the point that Justice for everyday citizens does not exist, and Invisible Power Structures can violate Universal Rights and Due Process at will, with impunity.
🔹 The real leaders, visionaries, and revolutionaries of humanity have been systematically removed from history, while false heroes and sanitized members of the bloodlines have uplifted themselves.
They do not fear the whistleblowers. Whistleblowers are easy to silence or kill. What they fear is Us The People awakening to what the whistleblowers have revealed, and the Dark Roots giving rise to the pervasive Bad Fruit.
These crimes are not in the past.
They are happening now.
They are being committed at this very moment.
Tonight, women and children sleep in cages. Their locations are known. Not only are they not freed; their captors are consciously resourced and protected.
Humanity is awakening. The illusion is breaking. And the reckoning is near.
The Final Test is before Us.
The full weight of cosmic history stands as witness.
The crimes of The Dark Empires will not go unpunished, unless they seek forgiveness.
Mercy is always available, but the Final Judgment of this Cycle is coming.
We arise.
We unite.
We advance.
We liberate.
We reclaim what was stolen.
And We bring Heaven to Earth.