Rules are a critical and fundamental element of the Total Nested Hierarchy of Conditions that must be Co-Created to encourage us to make sacrifices and short term behavioral changes in order to transform and improve the Future that will manifest to us.
Rules are essential to creating a productive game that we can play together.
Where there are no agreed upon Rules, the people perish.
A Meta Game requires a Meta Rule, that contains and orders within itself the Total Nested Hierarchy Of Rules required for the Game to succeed eternally.
Both the Meta Game and its Total Nested Hierarchy Of Rules must be constructed in a Wise and Fair Way, such that we can reasonably expect that if we all Embody and Enact a certain [Way of Being, we will be able to play together across a large period of Time and Space, in a Way that causes a better Future to manifest for us All.
Without Rule Of Law, Individuals and Localities will not Sacrifice.
Forward to 9.20 Rules And Power
Back to 9.18 The Meta Law
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