There is one place in nature where we get a very privileged inside view.
That is within our Selves.
There was a great lie passed down through the centuries and propagated by colonial religions and empires which said that we can separate humanity from nature and exploit, subjugate, rule over it.
There is a very different understanding, which is to recognize that quite literally we are one with her, we are within her, we are a part of her, and whatever we do to her we do to our Selves.
When we pollute and exploit her waters, we pollute and exploit the bodies of our Selves, our children, and our grandchildren.
When we pollute and exploit her air, we pollute and exploit the bodies of our Selves, our children, and our grandchildren.
When we pollute and exploit her soil, we pollute the bodies of our Selves, our children, and our grandchildren.
When we damage her microbiome, we damage the bodies of our Selves, our children, and our grandchildren.
What we do to her water, air, soil, microbiome, and energy, we do to our Selves, and we reap the consequences in our own Being and that our children and grandchildren.
There is no Nature "out there" that is separate from the Nature that composes our bodies.
Look within your Self.
What do you find?
What much Nature be like, such that you experience your Self the way you do?
What must the nature of Nature be, such that your Mind can inter-exist with your Body in the way it does?
What must the nature of Nature be, such that it can meditate upon its Self through your Consciousness?
Nature is not "out there" to be subjugated and exploited.
We are one with Nature.
We are Nature.
We are commanded to Love her, as we Love our Selves, One, and All.
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