When we lay down our childish conceptions and understand that the big man in the sky we have imagined is not literally “up there”, nor is the terrifying feminine creature with 12 arms we have fearfully sacrificed to actually a reality, nor will the rains or the harvest cease if we fail to sacrifice to the energetic focal points we have erected to represent That Which Brings Rain and Harvest…
When we deeply and humbly and rightly redirect All our energy and attention to the One…
We can begin to learn from One Another.
How should Consciousness Rightly Relate to its Source?
How should Life Rightly Relate to its Source?
How should a Creature Rightly Relate to That Which Is Creating and Sustaining it?
What are we to do, and how are we to relate, in light of all we have come to Know about the One in Whom All things live, breathe, exist, move, and have their Being?
Here, outside the Caves, beyond the Boundary, is the Way towards flourishing and abundant Life.
What treasures and joys await us as we rediscover the fullness of the Beauty and Majesty of One and All.
What treasures and joys await us as we rediscover the Beauty of the Feminine aspects of the One Who creates and sustains Life!
Forward to 6.18 Consciousness And Its Source
Back to 6.16 Concrete And Abstract Idolatry
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