FAQ - How Will We Make Decisions?

he Lionsberg System is based on a decentralized, citizen-led governance model, where individuals and communities have the autonomy and authority to make decisions that affect their own lives and communities. Decisions are made through a process of discernment, collaboration and cooperation, where individuals and communities work together in small groups to identify shared goals and values, and to develop and implement solutions that align with those goals and values. The process of decision making is guided by the principle of respect for the inner guidance of each individual, active participation, and collective discernment, and encourages the use of a proper balance between wisdom-based and evidence-based decision making.

Wisdom-based decision making is rooted in the understanding that there is a universal, transcendent wisdom and intelligence that guides the universe and that can be accessed through practices like meditation, prayer, and contemplation. Evidence-based decision making is rooted in the understanding that the universe is knowable and that knowledge can be acquired through observation, experimentation, and analysis. These two forms of decision making are combined to form a holistic approach that balances both the rational and intuitive aspects of decision making.

The Lionsberg System also includes a small representative governance body at the federal level that helps to navigate the entire system towards its goals and values. This governance body is divided into four distinct branches: executive, legislative, justice, and regulatory. The executive branch is responsible for implementing decisions and policies, the legislative branch is responsible for creating rules and policies, the justice branch is responsible for interpreting rules and mediating disputes, and the regulatory branch is responsible for overseeing and regulating various aspects of the system.

The system also encourages the use of a proper balance between wisdom-based and evidence-based decision making. Wisdom-based decision making is rooted in the understanding that there is a universal, transcendent wisdom and intelligence that guides the universe and that can be accessed through practices like meditation, prayer, and contemplation. Evidence-based decision making is rooted in the understanding that the universe is knowable and that knowledge can be acquired through observation, experimentation, and analysis.

To help enable and support self-governing individuals and groups in their efforts to make wise, right decisions, the Lionsberg System includes decision making ideals in the Prototype, and supports citizens in learning, implementing, and adapting these decision making processes. The system also encourages any individual to raise legitimate and substantive objections to any proposed solution or decision, requiring that it be reviewed, improved and refined until it meets the needs and aspirations of all the participants in any fractal unit of self-governance.

In summary, the Lionsberg System employs a decentralized, citizen-led governance model where decisions are made through a process of discernment, collaboration and cooperation within small groups. This approach is guided by the principle of respect for the inner guidance of each individual, active participation, collective discernment, and the use of a proper balance between wisdom-based and evidence-based decision making. This distributed decision making capacity is supported by the inclusion of decision making systems and processes in the Prototype. The System also includes a small governance body at the federal level that helps to navigate the entire system towards its goals and values. This approach ensures that individuals and communities have autonomy and authority over their own lives and decisions, while also ensuring that the system as a whole is guided towards its shared goals and values in service of One and for the good of All. It also encourages legitimate and substantive objections to be raised, requiring that solutions and decisions are reviewed and refined until they meet the needs and aspirations of all.

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