Context: Lionsberg LUV (Lionsberg Units of Value) aim to empower citizens to measure and validate the Time, Energy, and Attention (TEA) and the Quality of service provided by individuals and groups collaborating within the Lionsberg Federation. This pattern will provide a method to quantify, verify and reward contributions made by participants, while empowering them to leverage a blend of Goodwill (measured in Lionsberg LUV), fiat, and crypto currencies as they work together to build community, society, culture, and economy.
Problem: Current systems of measuring and validating contributions do not effectively account for both the quantity and quality of TEA and the quality of service provided by individuals and groups in a decentralized governance system. Additionally, fiat currencies are often designed to generate an artificial scarcity and drive citizens towards money, rather than The Goal.
Solution: Establish a comprehensive pattern for measuring and validating TEA and quality of service, validating them in small groups, and originating units of Lionsberg LUV:
Resulting Context: A comprehensive system for measuring and validating TEA and quality of service, validating them in small groups, and originating units of Lionsberg LUV, which fosters active participation, collaboration, and a fair and transparent resource generation, distribution, and exchange process in the Lionsberg Federation. Critically, this system is designed to empower participants to generate Value on the basis of Goodwill, liberating them from the artificial scarcity and imbalanced measurements of globally competing fiat and crypto currencies.
Forward to 2.10. The Pattern for Exchanging Units of Value in the Lionsberg Federation
Back to 2.8. The Pattern for Voluntary Tithing and Resource Allocation
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