III.F. A Crisis of Culture and Values

In addition to political division, socioeconomic inequality, corruption and exploitation, and declining global influence, America is facing a crisis of culture and values. The foundations of American society, including faith, family, community, and service, are being eroded by a culture that prioritizes identity politics, consumerism, and short-term self-gratification over the common good and the well-being of future generations.

The values of the American Dream, such as hard work, faith, courage, sacrifice, and service to others, are being replaced by a culture of greed, entitlement, division, fear and self-interest. This is reflected in the increasing rates of loneliness, depression, and substance abuse, and in the declining levels of civic engagement, volunteerism, and political involvement.

We have forgotten the eternal and universal Wisdom, Principles, and Values that cause people, societies, and ecosystems to flourish in harmony.

The crisis of culture and values in America is a threat to the American Dream and to the future of the nation. It is essential that Americans rediscover the faith and values that have made America a beacon of hope for generations, and recommit themselves to the ideals of unity, justice, and equality. This requires a return to the Source of all life and values, and a restoration of the Spirit that unifies us, impels us towards the highest ideals, and lifts us to the highest places of compassion, justice, and love.

To restore the culture and values of the American Dream, Americans must reject the forces of division and corruption that have taken root in our society, and recommit themselves to working together in partnership with God and one another to co-create the best possible future for all. Only by re-embracing the unifying spirit of "One Nation Under God" can America overcome the crisis of culture and values, and become a beacon of hope and a leader in the world once again.

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