Above The Chaos, Wake Up! The Building Is On Fire!

By Jordan Nicholas Sukut, 2023.01.30 (updated 2023.01.30)

A post in Above The Chaos.

Esteemed Friend,

Wake Up! The Building Is On Fire!

I know you may not be able to hear me yet, but please, wake up!

You and your family are asleep in a building that is on fire. As you have been sleeping, saboteurs have corrupted the structures, crippled the systems, and kindled the flames.

But wait! Be careful. If you are not wise you are going to rush out of the fire and into a the flames of another trap that lies in wait.

My current best understanding is that we are now in the battle for the future and freedom of our life and society. It is time to begin immediate and concerted action.

Having already sacrificed my wealth, positions, and power to reveal what lurks beneath the surface of the corrupted and failing institutions of the Old World and prepare for battle, it is now time to risk my life and reputation to speak out the truthful words and Logos that I pray will bring forth the future that is most Good for All.

My best understanding is that we are in the opening stages of a period of time which future generations will define as the inflection points between eras. There are the cycles of heartbeats, of breaths, of the moon, of the earth, of the solar system, of the galaxy, and of the universe. Just as we witness the seasons come and go, so too do we occasionally find ourselves standing at the moment of transition between epochs. I believe we are at such a time.

Over the coming years it is likely that the already creaking and groaning systems of the Old World will lurch towards failure. Their corruption and failings is already being revealed at an accelerating rate that will continue to gain momentum.

Look at what is happening with the monetary systems. Look at what is happening with the central banks. Look at what is happening with the political parties. Look at what is happening with the debt. Look at what is happening with the hot wars. Look at what is happening in the cold wars. Look at what is happening in the Middle East. Look at what is happening in China. Look at what is happening in Russia. Look at what is happening in the Middle East. Look at what is happening in South America. Look at what is happening in Africa. Look at what is happening in the United Nations. Look at what is happening in the World Economic Forum. Look at what is happening with "inflation". Look at what is happening with homelessness. Look at what is happening with prisons and "mental health" institutions. Look at what is happening with the elderly. Look at what is happening with the young. Look at what is happening with culture and values. Look at what is happening with polarization. Look at what is happening with poverty. Look at what is happening with hunger. Look at what is happening with "health" systems. Look at what is happening with "education" systems. Look at what is happening with "governance" systems. Look at what is happening "security" systems. Look at what is happening with "economic" systems. Look at what is happening with drug abuse. Look at what is happening with alcohol abuse. Look at what is happening with religion. Look at what is happening with property. Look at what is happening with the air. Look at what is happening with the water. Look at what is happening with the soil. Look at what is happening with "natural resources". Look at what is happening with waste. Look at what is happening with plastics. Look at what is happening with chemicals. Look at what is happening with weapons. Look at what is happening with artificial intelligence. Look at what is happening with robotics. Look at what is happening with cyber attacks. Look at what is happening with automated warfare. Look at what is happening with geopolitics. Look at what is happening with disinformation. Look at what is happening with fraud. Look at what is happening with taxes. Look at what is happening with bureaucracies. Look at what is happening with politics. Look at what is happening with cities. Look at what is happening in rural areas. Look at what is happening with forests. Look at what is happening with lakes and streams. Look at what is happening with soil. Look at what is happening with species. Look at what is happening with biodiversity. Look at what is happening with the microbiome. Look at what is happening with the concentration camps. Look at what is happening with the protests and riots. Look at what is happening with the bombings. Look at what is happening with the mass shootings. Look at what is happening with the drone attacks. Look at what is happening with civil conflicts. Look at what is happening with organized crime. Look at what is happening with military, police, and militias. Look at what is happening with the media. Look at what is happening with social media. Look at what is happening with anxiety, depression, and suicide.

Enough. If you haven't woken up to the Meta Crisis, PLEASE... wake up.

Over the coming years, the corrupt and failing systems of the Old World will lurch towards a massive transformation. Their demise will be urged on by those drooling over power vacuum that will be left behind. The talks and preparations are well underway for the moment when humanity hands their wealth, power, and liberty over to the totalitarian system of control that will promise peace and security in exchange for... everything.

The decision not to wake up and move together now is a decision to accept whatever "they" decide is the solution and the next system. It will not be Good.

Nor will we have time or the ability to construct a parallel system once a new system of control is established.

There is a very short window of time NOW to get organized and move. Together. Towards The Goal.

There is a lot remaining to be done, but it is going to require a New Vision, System and Plan with at least the level of thought, planning, systems work, and coordinated action outlined in Beyond The Meta Crisis - A Blueprint for a Better Future.

If we succeed, we can beat our weapons into tools of life, and ensure a standard of of living, purpose, meaning, and conscious agency for every being that is better than any enjoyed in the Old World.

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