Hello friends and allies,
Last week we closed Season 1 of grappling together with the concept of a universal Meta Project.
Today, we begin Season 2 where we begin to learn together how we might incarnate it into structured and embodied form here and now.
This is going to mark a change from the broad 6 week cycles we have been in, to rapid two week continuous improvement of our concrete Lionsberg story, platform, community, and starting point.
The next step is identify 3 to 20 pilot groups that want to learn how the play the Game and help one another advance together towards The Goal.
After today’s meeting, I will send out an invitation so that everyone understands exactly what you are being invited to participate in. Over the next two weeks we will make an interest list, and then begin on-boarding groups to the platform after the 11/16 meeting.
At that point 11/16 we will create the Boundary around Lionsberg, and switch to internal and external communications strategy and a systematic on-boarding process.
If you know of any high functioning groups or 3 to 20 people that you think might be interested, please let me know so I can schedule a call in the next couple weeks and extend an invitation.
We will continue recording the meetings, and will soon begin editing and making short / meaningful / inspiring clips of our meetings available online to help fuel interest and build the movement towards The Goal.
Looking forward to seeing some of you Wednesday! The main part of the meeting will be 12:30 to 2:00, feel free to come early at 12:20 for coffee, community, and mediation, or stay late for a retrospective look at the meeting, and planning of next steps for the coming week.
12:20 – 12:30 – Coffee and Community
12:30 – 12:35 – Silent Meditation & Prayer
12:35 – 2:00 – Lionsberg Meeting
2:00 – 2:30 – Meeting Retro, and Next Steps For the Week