Every relationship requires Communication.
In an Integrated Delivery System, everything is related.
Because it is not possible for All to communicate with All, each element of the Federation must communicate directly with those it works with, as well as the Whole.
The entire Lionsberg idea and community is designed to operate as a single Integrated Delivery System that produces Throughput of Intention Into Reality.
As a result, there are certain Minimum Viable Communications standards that must be honored by All in order for the System to function.
These minimum standards can be thought of in three distinct baskets:
Internal communications that occur within an Organization have the greatest degree of flexibility. We would encourage all teams to monitor thier own Communication Hygeine and not repeat the painful mistakes that many others have already made, however Organizations are inherently Sovereign and Autonomous and have a duty to do what works best for them to advance towards the Goal.
Entities that make or secure Commitments to or from One Another are directly related, and need to stay aligned in order to protect and preserve the Flow of Work of the Whole.
Directly related entities, regardless of their process for Internal Communications, should agree to pay attention to Communication Hygiene in the inter-communication.
At a minimum, communications between directly related elements should include:
Remember that in a Zero Blame Environment both the Committor and the Committee both share responsbility for ensuring that Commitments made are kept. (See Percent Promises Kept).
At the deepest level of abstraction, All Actors and the Whole need to be able to: