LC 39. Freedom of Thought, Speech, and Belief


Lionsberg recognizes and protects the freedom of thought, speech, and belief for all Citizens as they seek and navigate towards Truth. This fosters an open, diverse, and Truthful society, where ideas can be freely exchanged, challenged, and refined, creativity and innovation can flourish, and endarkenment can be dispelled.

The Lionsberg Constitution recognizes the fundamental importance of freedom of thought, speech, and belief in the co-creation of a just, loving, and good society. It recognizes that the freedom of thought, speech, and belief is integral to the fulfillment of the individual's potential and purpose, and the pursuit of Truth and the common good. It recognizes that individuals must be free to explore and express their thoughts and beliefs without fear of persecution, oppression, or social ostracization, and that this freedom is necessary for personal and societal growth, and the flourishing of all.

The Lionsberg Constitution also recognizes that the protection and fulfillment of freedom of thought, speech, and belief requires the cultivation of a culture of love, creative expression, and mutual respect. The Lionsberg Constitution seeks to lay the foundations for a culture of love and respect that is reflected in all aspects of society, and that ensures the protection and fulfillment of the freedom of thought, speech, and belief for All.

This freedom of thought, speech and belief extends to the right to express ideas freely through the press, the internet, and other such means of mass communication.

This freedom is limited by the responsibility of each Citizen to do their best to speak Truthfully, and not to intentionally slander, defame, deceive, mislead, manipulate, lie, bear false witness or otherwise subvert the Higher Core Value of Truth.

Because of the difficulty of navigating towards Truth, and because of the tendency of the governments of the Old World to censor and oppress expression that jeopardized their narratives, this constitution explicitly forbids Higher Levels of Abstraction from infringing on or suppressing the free expression of ideas by Lower Levels of Abstraction, even in times of perceived or claimed emergency.

To further ensure this durability of this freedom, Lionsberg shall never establish or favor any one religion or ideology, and will support the ongoing spiritual, philosophical, and scientific pursuit of Truth, Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding among all Citizens of Goodwill beyond the bounds of temporal human systems or ideas.