LC 26. Vertical Structures and Protections

In the collective endeavor to safeguard our shared destiny, we, the people of Lionsberg, establish and maintain a diverse set of structures and protections that allow the spirit of our constitution and our shared principles and values to permeate every level of our society. These structures, both vertical and horizontal, aim to ensure a balance of power, respect for individual and collective agency, and promote harmonious and constructive interactions among all members of our society.

Subsidiarity: Respect for Different Levels

The principle of subsidiarity guides us to ensure that decisions are made at the most appropriate level, closest to the people or the issue they affect. This principle respects the autonomy and integrity of each level, preventing unnecessary interference from above and fostering effective solutions crafted with local understanding and expertise. The levels of our society, from the individual to the local, regional, national, and up to the Whole, are all respected and protected within this structure.

Inter-level Communication and Coordination

To foster effective vertical integration, mechanisms for two-way inter-level communication, coordination, and representation are established. These mechanisms enable each level to understand, learn from, and support other levels. Regular dialogues, information sharing sessions, and collaborative projects are some of the ways these connections are maintained.

Vertical Checks and Balances

We institute vertical checks and balances to avoid the concentration of power at any single level. For example, decisions made by a regional assembly can be reviewed by the national assembly for alignment with national interests and values. Similarly, decisions made by the national assembly can be reviewed by the regional and local assemblies to assess their practicality, feasibility, and local impact. Such checks and balances ensure that each level of our society operates within its sphere of influence, upholding our shared values and respecting the rights and responsibilities of other levels.

Vertical Protections

Protections are established to safeguard the interests and autonomy of each level against potential overreach from above. These protections include certain immunities for lower levels, requirements for consultation and consent through the Citizen Assembly System, and legal avenues for challenging decisions or actions perceived as intrusive or harmful through the Lionsberg System of Justice.

Fostering Vertical Integration

Efforts to foster vertical integration aim to create a sense of unity and shared destiny across all levels. This involves initiatives to promote shared values, celebrate collective achievements, and encourage mutual learning and understanding as we help one another progress towards The Goal.

Dealing with Disruptions

In the event of major disruptions that impact the normal functioning of vertical structures, temporary measures may be put in place by the Lionsberg General Assembly to maintain governance continuity. Such measures must respect the spirit and values of our constitution and should be discontinued as soon as normal operations can safely resume.

Through these Vertical Structures and Protections, we aspire to create a society where power is wisely distributed, where each level respects and supports others, and where we collectively strive towards our shared destiny with unity and harmony