LC18. Collaboration and Cooperation

The Lionsberg Constitution emphasizes the importance of collaboration and cooperation among individuals, communities, tribes, and nations. By working together, we can overcome common challenges and create a more just, regenerative, and flourishing world for All.

The Lionsberg Constitution recognizes that collaboration and cooperation are essential for individuals and localities to effectively work together towards common goals and to solve complex challenges facing our world. It recognizes that collaboration and cooperation are necessary for the development of personal and societal growth, and the flourishing of all.

Through the protection and fulfillment of collaboration and cooperation, the Lionsberg Constitution seeks to create a just, loving, and good society that honors the inherent worth and dignity of all individuals and all Creation, reflects the Universal and Eternal Law of Love, and empowers individuals and localities to work together towards a common purpose and Destiny. The Lionsberg Constitution seeks to create a society where collaboration and cooperation are valued and rewarded, and where individuals and localities are equipped with the tools and resources necessary to collaborate and cooperate effectively towards the common good, and where the Old patterns of competition and exploitation are transcended and replaced with the rise towards Higher Order Functional Unity between One and All.