Lionsberg Honor System

The Lionsberg Honor System is an integral part of the Lionsberg System, a foundational element designed to uphold the integrity, honesty, trust, and reciprocity within our community. Based on the principle of mutual respect and individual responsibility, it reflects our decentralized personal commitment to operating with integrity and cultivating an environment where every community member's actions reflect our highest shared Spirit, Goals, and Values.


The Lionsberg Honor System is guided by four fundamental principles:

I. Trust: Trust is foundational to a thriving community. We cultivate trust by being reliable, transparent, and honest in our dealings with one another.

II. Honesty: Honesty in thoughts, words, and actions is an expression of respect towards oneself, others, the Creator, and All Creation. We uphold truthfulness and justice in all our interactions.

III. Responsibility: Personal responsibility is a hallmark of an active, competent and engaged citizen. We hold ourselves accountable for our actions, recognizing the impact they have on the broader community and life as a Whole.

IV. Integrity: Integrity is about aligning our actions with our values, especially when no one is watching. It involves a steadfast adherence to moral and ethical principles.

Code of Honor

1. Respect for Self and Others: We treat everyone with kindness, understanding, and respect, acknowledging the inherent dignity and worth of each individual.

2. Intellectual Honesty: We uphold intellectual integrity, understanding that honesty in our pursuit of knowledge, wisdom, and understanding strengthens our community.

3. Responsibility for Actions: We acknowledge and take responsibility for our actions and their impacts, aiming to learn and grow from our mistakes.

4. Support for Others: We extend support to each other in times of need, nurturing a community of care, trust, and mutual upliftment.

5. Stewardship of Community Resources and Commons: We use our community's resources responsibly, respecting the existence of these assets as part of the Lionsberg Commons, and their vital significance for Future Generations.

6. Reciprocity: We recognize that our community thrives on mutual exchange and support. We commit to reciprocating kindness, generosity, and respect in our interactions, contributing to a culture of giving and receiving in a reciprocal and balanced Way that causes All aspects of the System, Community, and Environment to flourish in harmony.

7. Upholding Shared Wisdom, Principles, and Values: We strive to uphold and live in alignment with our shared wisdom, principles, and values, contributing positively to the community's culture and atmosphere.

Implementation and Accountability

The Lionsberg Honor System is not just a set of rules but a commitment that each community member makes to uphold the highest standards of integrity, honesty, respect, and reciprocity. It's implemented through the personal responsibility of each individual, as well as collective encouragement and oversight to ensure these standards are met.

Instances of perceived violations of the Honor System are approached with care, understanding, and fairness. The goal is understanding, learning, growth, and reconciliation. Procedures for dealing with violations are detailed in the Lionsberg System of Justice, ensuring a fair and balanced approach that respects the dignity, rights, and responsibilities of all involved.