2022-03-23 RE: Pioneers, Settlers, Town Planners

Reply to PK_2022-03-23-PioneersSettlersTownPlannersm From: KSanborn@oxfordfinance.com

Thank you, Pete, this feels important, valuable, and multi-layered. Am commenting after reading it once, which is 11 times less than optimal to start comprehending and connecting what all you put out there. Still, a few starting comments:

  1. Pioneers/settlers/town planners: how to make this distinction of cultures and functions and different values practical/how can we put it in practice (perhaps from the first meeting)? Feels important.

  2. Wardley maps: "business strategy parts are mapped on a value chain, anchored in customer need". Feels useful. Also sparks a pondering that is related, but not the same...wondering if it would be a useful group activity at our gathering(s) for everyone to map the many different values/valuables THEY (participants) could see receiving from joining the Meta Project/Lionsberg co-evolution practice and space - and maybe also the values/valuables they could/might contribute to the whole. We'd get a bunch of (what is experienced as) values/valuables, and we'd get participants experiencing more valuables/values, from their directly engaging in an exercise of looking at them. Thoughts?

  3. Cell-based structures, Scrum, other structures and links - yes! Am not at all an expert, some of it feels way above my pay grade, but all of it feels relevant. Hoping others here can carry, hold and move with ease among these themes. Also, relatedly, just received a nod towards this book that also feels relevant, but haven't read it: https://www.amazon.com/500-transformed-productivity-self-leading-organisation/dp/1527265358 ("500%: How two pioneers transformed productivity - the first truly self-leading organization" Paperback - September 10, 2020).

Killu Sanborn