President of Miller electric - source
been working 1.5 years through this model... share, and discuss problem relating to governance
Every individual born wtih a unique potential - acorn to oak tree
- genertically coded... that we can achieve
The introduction of elements and condtiions determine whether it can flourish, or not...
WHAT ARE THE CONDITIONS... rain, relationships, embodied learning, higher calling...
what are the conditions that need to be in palce for an individual to floruish
Generativity - group of people or community flourishing together... not single acord ot oak but whole forest
environmental conditions so people can flourish together.
idea of experiment to run around how we might build a generative local community in reality...
5 things we know the world already knows how to do
local organisations supporting local business
convert money into flourishing
- organisations that do this already
- take money and deliver conditions for a population
- Intellectual, spiritual, adn physical flourishing
- local anchoring orgs supporting local business
- Key instutions thgat are. local, local health, education, utilites, government, private business
- each with own supply chain needs
- can have big impact on economy by keeping those supply chain needs local...
- Vs. outsourcing to larger multinational corporation
- creating local business network
- idea of multiple - the sum being greater than the parts
- synergies
- By pulling local busiensses together under single banner, they can work together...
- GLC prototype - in Miluakee
- govern a network of businesses
- If you are pulling together a network, how would they potentially be governeed
- Mondragon
- DAO.
- we know it is possible
- Governance becomes the really focus when we have pitched... it is at heart of how the whole thing fworks...
- Mondragon as a story / prophesy / proof it is possible...
- social impact investors focus investment on root cause issues.
- working on root causes of issues
- available capital to be investted in social and community development work
- Complexity mindset and intercoonnected mindset on how we invest those dollars...
We are not focused on Issue 4
What if we could connect these 5 things in a neighborhood system... if we did that... would that allow us to achieve or move towards GRC concept...
- Can you cash flow positive this network of businesses
- incubator kitchen
- laundromat
- by day retail
- evening commercial / industrial
- fork to farms
- restraurant
- yoga center...
- primary reason is to create flourishing... but need cash flow... and nice to have community anchor organizations create more cash flow
Expect cash flow positive ina way there is profit at the end - not for short term... but for long term... discerning how they convert extra resources into various forms of flourishing...
- Assume network is run like agenerative business
- set of principles... that is not optimizing wages at the top, but distributes it so that everyone has a living wage...
- can we do money conversion to flourishing, and can we manage a network of businesses effectively
- are you assuming one model of governance is appropriate for all
- economic (ecosystem of businesses)
- social cultural
- rights
- each have unique nuances.
It is all hypothesis - so whatever we do is a test of that hypothesis...
Any business... shaped by economic and social realities it serves...
- In short term old world... businesses have to profit to survive (potential problem)
not about short term thinking with domapine
Investors who understand the long term
- short term is ROI...
- but also impacting continued legacy...
- so that after 10 years - willing to step aside from ownership so that neighborhood can flourish...
- After 8 years - 30k / month going back into the hands of hte community - to invest in microloans to help with home ownership...
- homes increasingly owned outside community and outside country...
- to local community land trusts...
Black assembly of God / church of God network - so could be scalable and deployed in many places using faith based communities...
learn from this project and then scale
Discrete autonomous identites stepping out of identiteis to participate in something different - that leads to conflicting interests...
- vs. netowrk of people who are contributing to different uses
- generative business contrives many different uses, revenue streams, times of day, etc...
- federated co-op model - taking into the DAO realm...
- Functioanl and identity limitations keep showing up - I wonder why?
- by naming a netowrk of businesses - honoring difference as well as wholeness...
- Network of to happen to us as individuals... give we are trained to see mine, network, territory, identity...
- so that we can work in wholeness...
- Individual entrepreneurs in a network?
- or a conglomerate managed by one governance structure?
- what is the set of principles to be part?
- do we use what exists in the place?
- take what exists and exapt
- Some type of governance, across a bunch of businesses, connected together as a unit...
- if we have money coming out... how do we govern how it does...
B Corp certifications...
Sub model of certification for generative business, that is a form of B Corp...
Solve the underlying problem... of is your goal of a board member to maximize shareholder revenue... or other obligations
- long history with dense interaction with Mondragon
- where this model works and where it does not
- interview with the keeper of Mondragon - Jose
- synthesis into a system of system
- in any community
- customised
- allow interoperability
go to this part of recording for details
figure it out for one generative community and all of them are different
- figure out the complexity as we go