Case Study - Kiva Pilgrimage 2025


The Kiva 2025 Pilgrimage is a global initiative spearheaded by the Kiva Family, representing a diverse group of organizations and indigenous wisdom keepers from around the world. The pilgrimage aims to enable a group of 30 to 50 elders and a support contingency to traverse five continents over two months, engaging in ceremonies and cultural exchanges to weave a tapestry of spiritual unity and love. In each location, the ceremony will include an array of local elders and representative in addition to the core group.

Alongside the noble intentions and global significance of the project, the team faces multifaceted challenges: fundraising, program management, logistics, and navigating political landscapes and international travel requirements.

The Lionsberg System, developed over the last seven years to serve and empower groups around the world, presents a solution. It is a holistic infrastructure, system and training program designed to empower initiatives like the Kiva 2025 Pilgrimage by addressing these core challenges.


  1. Fundraising: Raising sufficient funds across different jurisdictions, while complying with international regulations and anti-terrorism laws.
  2. Program Management: Coordinating a multitude of activities, ceremonies, and logistics across five continents with a diverse team of teams.
  3. Logistics: Managing the intricate details of travel, accommodations, and local arrangements for a large group moving between continents, and interfacing with different local teams on each continent.
  4. Political Issues: Ensuring compliance with varying governmental regulations and securing necessary permissions for international movement of money, people, and cultural activities.

The Lionsberg System: A Solution Framework

1. Fundraising and Financial Compliance

  • The Lionsberg System proposes leveraging the existing shared legal and governance structure through a specific type of non-profit entity in the United States. This entity can legally receive funds globally and distribute them, mitigating common legal hurdles.
  • The project would be fiscally sponsored by Lionsberg, Inc., an existing US 501(c)(3).
  • A fundraising strategy that leverages storytelling and documentation encompassing both the pilgrimage's vision and mission, along with the preparation and early phases to build momentum and awareness.

2. Program Management

  • Implementation of a "Team of Teams" approach, combining location-based teams with function-based teams to cover all necessary skills and responsibilities.
  • Utilization of Lionsberg's developed technologies and systems for effective communication, project management, and coordination among teams.
  • Training in the Lionsberg System to enable clear roles, responsibilities, and lines of communication across the various Teams.

3. Logistics

  • Adoption of a centralized dashboard for real-time updates and monitoring of the project's progress, helping in planning, decision-making and troubleshooting.
  • Training for key team members in each location on program and logistics management, leveraging Lionsberg's resources and knowledge base.

4. Political Navigation and Compliance

  • Utilizing the established legal framework of the Lionsberg System to ensure all activities are in full compliance with international laws.
  • Providing third party transparency and accountability around the flow of resources, which may be around 10x normal operating levels.
  • Engaging with local governments through the network of the indigenous wisdom keepers and teams, supported by the legal and organizational backing of Lionsberg.


The case study envisions a phased approach:

  • Phase 1: Building the Foundation - Setting up the fiscal sponsorship, establishing the Team of Teams structure, training in the basic of the Lionsberg System, and starting the fundraising campaign.
  • Phase 2: Capacity Building and Preparatory Phase - Ongoing training of select members of the global teams in program management, logistics, and the use of Lionsberg's technologies as they prepare for the Pilgrimage.
  • Phase 3: Implementation - Launching the pilgrimage with continuous monitoring, support, and adjustments as needed in February and March 2025.
  • Phase 4: Documentation and Storytelling - Throughout the pilgrimage, capturing stories and lessons to fuel the fundraising and inspire future initiatives.
  • Phase 5: Follow-on Projects: Potentially leveraging the Lionsberg System and the new capacities being developed by the Kiva Family around the world for follow-on projects in the local communities.

Improving the Commons of Shared Systems and Infrastructure

Lionsberg operates in a unique way, bringing its systems and resources to bear without cost to groups and projects engaged in our collective Mission to design and build a better world. The System sustains itself by leveraging 1/10th of the resource flow we co-create through fundraising to cover operational expenses and to continuously improve the shared systems and infrastructure being made available to projects and groups around the world. In this way, all individuals, groups, and projects leveraging the platform strengthen and benefit from one another.

Conclusion and Invitation

The Lionsberg System offers a comprehensive solution and framework to the myriad challenges faced by the Kiva Family as it looks towards the Kiva 2025 Pilgrimage and beyond. By leveraging its innovative approach to fundraising, program management, logistics, and political compliance, the pilgrimage can focus on its mission of weaving spiritual unity and love across continents, while ensuring that they are standing upon firm organizational ground with international support. This case study not only illustrates a pathway to success for the Kiva 2025 Pilgrimage but also sets a precedent for how ambitious global initiatives can be empowered to achieve their goals.

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