Fellowship Meetings
- Weighty Friends
- Wise Elders, Respected by the Community as such
- Humility / "Staying Low"
Desired Outcomes
- Slow Down. Be Present.
- Counter the tendency to rush towards:
- What might sound "right" in a rush, but not actually be the Wise Right thing.
- What might get us individual acclaim (because I spoke the "right" thing).
- What might give me power / dominion / hierarchy over others
- "Charismatic leader" effects of "fast" meetings
- Engage in clearer, deeper, more emergent thinking, listening and sensing
- Pay special Attention to Weak Signals that would otherwise be downed out
- Deeply listen to anyone who has a concern / nag / intuition that a course of action or potential, if undertaken, could hinder our ability to progress towards The Goal.
- Revelation
- Uncover deeper meanings, potentials, and goals
- Allow higher order solutions to emerge that reconcile and resolve the concerns
- Deepen Right Relationship in Community
- Deeply respect and value the (spirit / inner guide / spark) in each person and in our community together
Positive Examples
- Quaker Meeting
- Revival Meetings, in which people are brought into synergy and alignment, and the energy is Aimed in a Wise Right Good direction
- Rallies where energy is coalesced and then Aimed at a Good intent.
Negative Examples
- Political rallies where people "rally" and synergize, and then energy is pointed towards a negative direction.
Quick notes below from Jordan and Peter 2022.10.31:
Quick Detour Into Neuroscience
- Pete brought in a theory of how brains work (William Calvin's How Brains Think, etc.)
- Ringing in response to the stimulus
- neighbors get a little of the signal from that...
- they try to harmonize / resonate...
- and each one has a neighbor on the other side trying to influence it to...
- First the process of reception
- the the conscious knowledge of an object
- then different neurons start singing the tune of what they think it is
- some think its a ball
- some think its an apple
- With the sensations coming in and neurons singing - end up with choirs of competing throughts about what we are seeing...
- end up with clusters that have convinced themselves that it is an apple or tennis ball
- recruit more and more neighbors...
- there is a point where it makes
- and depending strength of resonance and input coming in... then suddenly the whole thing tips and everyone agrees...
Quick Detour Into Bees
- Jordan's current best understanding is that this is also how bees make decisions...
- by clustering around potential solutions and "dancing" for them
- The bees who believe the most and are dancing the loudest end up with all the others who are less "convinced" joining the one dance...
- So it is similar resonance / emergence towards unanimous group consensus...
- reference a book called Honeybee Democracy?
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