6.1 The ineffectiveness of current approaches

The Meta Crisis is a complex and multifaceted challenge that requires a comprehensive and integrated response. However, current approaches to addressing the Meta Crisis have been largely ineffective in addressing its root causes and mitigating its consequences.

One major limitation of current approaches is their focus on addressing symptoms rather than root causes. For example, current efforts to address environmental degradation often focus on reducing emissions or increasing energy efficiency, rather than addressing the underlying economic and political systems that drive unsustainable resource extraction and consumption.

Another limitation is the lack of coordination and collaboration among different actors and sectors. Current efforts to address the Meta Crisis are fragmented and siloed, with different actors pursuing their own goals and agendas without a shared vision or plan. This lack of coordination and collaboration leads to missed opportunities and inefficiencies, and it makes it difficult if not impossible to achieve the transformational systemic changes that are necessary to address the Meta Crisis.

Additionally, current approaches are often limited by a narrow focus on short-term gains, rather than long-term sustainability. For example, economic policies that prioritize short-term growth over long-term regenerative capacity can lead to the depletion of natural resources and the degradation of the environment. Political policies that prioritize short-term positions and power over long-term socioeconomic and environmental flourishing can lead to foolish and deceitful tactics that conflict with wise long-term strategic systems thinking, planning, and action.

Overall, current approaches to addressing the Meta Crisis have been ineffective in addressing its root causes and mitigating its consequences. A New Vision and Plan that addresses the root causes of the crisis, is comprehensive and integrated, and prioritizes long-term sustainability is needed to effectively and decisively address the Meta Crisis and forge the New Era.

Forward to 6.2 The reasons for the limitations of current approaches
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