28.2 A vision of the future as envisioned by the New Vision and Plan

The New Vision and Plan envisions a future in which humanity thrives in harmony with nature, in which all people have the opportunity to live a fulfilling and purposeful life, and in which the needs of the present are met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It is a future in which we have transcended the divisive and destructive Old Operating System of humanity and have adopted a New Operating System and a New way of being and relating to the world around us.

This future is one in which the natural world is protected, restored and regenerated. The air we breathe is clean, the water we drink is pure, and the earth we live on is healthy and abundant. We have transitioned to clean and renewable energy, and have adopted regenerative and circular economic models that respect the regenerative boundaries of our planet. We live in redesigned and rebuilt cities and communities that enhance the well-being of all their human and non-human inhabitants, and where needs are balanced and met in a way that is just, fair and interdependent.

In this future, poverty, hunger and economic inequality are a thing of the past, and those who are vulnerable, stumble, or fall are helped and lifted up by their communities and those around them. All people have access to the resources, tools, knowledge and support they need to grow and develop towards ever more prosperous and fulfilling life. Education, healthcare and basic needs are met for all, regardless of where they live or what they look like. Social injustice and discrimination are no longer tolerated, and all people are treated with dignity, respect, and compassion.

This future is one in which individuals and communities are empowered to take charge of their own development and well-being. They have the ability to make decisions that benefit themselves and their local communities, and are supported by systems and structures that both respect their autonomy and acknowledge their inter-existence. Political corruption and political classes are a thing of the past, and local and regional citizen leaders are held transparently accountable to the fellow citizens they serve, and to the integrated wellbeing and development of All.

The New Vision and Plan envisions a future in which humanity has adopted a new operating system, one that is based on the principles of truth, love, justice, stewardship, wisdom and interdependence. It is a future in which we have transcended the divisive and destructive patterns of the past, and have come together as a global community to co-create a world that continues to get a little better and more abundant every day. This is the future we seek, and it is within our reach if we have the courage and determination to make it a reality. Together, let us work towards this brighter future for humanity and all life on Earth.

Forward to 28.3 The potential for the New Vision and Plan to create a better future for humanity and all life on Earth
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