The New American Revolution must also be grounded in the principles of freedom, agency, and responsibility. This means empowering the American people with the freedom to make their own choices, to take charge of their own lives and communities, and to be responsible for their own actions. It means creating systems and structures that are designed to foster individual and local initiative, creativity, and entrepreneurship, and that are designed to empower the American people to be active co-creators of the future, rather than passive recipients of outcomes determined by others.

The Ideals of freedom, agency, and responsibility require a deep commitment to individual and local rights, and to the protection of individual and local freedoms and liberties. This means standing up for the right of all citizens to free speech, free assembly, free press, free enterprise, and free religion, and to the right to privacy, security, and the pursuit of happiness.

Freedom, agency, and responsibility also requires a commitment to personal responsibility, and to the idea that all citizens must take responsibility for their own lives, their own choices, their own actions, and their own communities. This means creating systems and structures that are designed to encourage lifelong personal growth and initiative, and that are designed to help the American people to become their best selves, to achieve their full potential, and to contribute to the common good in meaningful ways.

Freedom, agency, and responsibility are essential to the success of the New American Revolution, and to the restoration of the American Spirit. They are at the heart of the American Ideal, and they must be at the heart of our efforts to work together in partnership with God and one another to co-create the brighter future we all seek.

Forward to V.F. America as a Beacon of Hope, Freedom, and Strength In the World
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