Rules of Participation

The term "Rules of Participation" in the context of the Lionsberg System refers to the guidelines, cultural norms, and expectations that govern the behavior and actions of Participants within a specific team, organization, group, or community.

The Rules of Participation are defined locally by each Group, and they are designed to ensure that everyone is working together effectively towards shared Vision, Goals, and Values. These rules may include guidelines for communication, decision-making, conflict resolution, resource allocation, and other aspects of working together effectively.

In the Lionsberg System, the Rules of Participation are an essential component of ensuring that Participants are working together effectively and efficiently towards shared goals and objectives. They provide a clear and shared understanding of how Participants should behave and interact with each other, and help to ensure that everyone is aligned and working together in a highly collaborative, adaptive, and informed way.

Any Participant who wishes to join a specific team, organization, group, or community must assent to the Rules of Participation of that group. This helps to ensure that everyone is working together in accordance with the same principles and expectations, and that there is a shared understanding of how Participants should behave and interact with each other.

The Lionsberg System provides guidance and best practices for defining and implementing effective Rules of Participation, and for continuously improving these rules over time to ensure that Participants are working together effectively towards shared Vision, Goals, and Values.

Template For Rules of Participation