Lionsberg Membership Process

The Lionsberg Membership Process is designed to ensure that new members understand and align with the principles, values, and goals of the Lionsberg community. It's an integral part of maintaining the integrity, harmony, and cohesiveness of our community.


Membership in the Lionsberg System is accessible on an invitation-only basis. As a pathway towards invitation, members of the public who are interested in the Lionsberg System and Approach are encouraged to become Observers and Supporters, and to forge meaningful relationships with members of the community.


Upon receiving an invitation, interested individuals can submit an application form expressing their interest in becoming a member of Lionsberg. This form includes basic personal information, a brief background, motivations for joining the community, and unique areas of skill, interest, and passion.

Screening and Discernment

Applications are reviewed by a dedicated team within the Lionsberg community. This team is responsible for ensuring that applicants understand and align with Lionsberg's principles and values, and that membership will be symbiotic and mutually beneficial to both the individual and the existing Lionsberg Community. This screening process may involve interviews or other forms of interactive engagement, as well as discernment around right timing and fit.

Introduction to Lionsberg and Orientation

Once the initial screening is complete, prospective members are invited into an orientation and training program with a cohort of fellow applicants. This program introduces them to Lionsberg's history, constitution, values, systems, and procedures. This includes a detailed understanding of the Lionsberg Honor System and the Lionsberg System of Values, while providing pathways for meaningful growth and engagement in the community.

The Lionsberg Pledge

After the orientation, prospective members are invited to make the Lionsberg Pledge. This pledge signifies their intention to uphold the principles and values of Lionsberg, interact in the system with honor, integrity, and reciprocity, and contribute to the wellbeing and advancement of the community, society, and life as a Whole.

Provisional Membership

New members initially receive a provisional membership. During this 90 day period, they are encouraged to participate in community activities, initiatives, and governance. This helps them gain practical experience of Lionsberg's community life and systems.

Full Membership

After a period of provisional membership, a review is conducted to evaluate the individual's engagement and alignment with Lionsberg's ethos, Spirit, and values, and the fit, synergy, and reciprocity between the individual and the existing community. Upon successful review, the provisional member is granted full membership, along with all the rights and responsibilities that come with it.

Continuous Engagement

Membership in Lionsberg is more than just being part of a community; it's a commitment to continuous engagement, learning, growth, and contribution. As such, all members are encouraged to actively participate in community life and contribute to Lionsberg's ongoing development and evolution.

A Pathway Towards Citizenship

After three years and the completion of certain training and milestones, individuals are eligible for Citizenship in Lionsberg. Citizenship is intended to solidify the intention of lifelong belonging and deeper rights and responsibilities to steward and guide the Lionsberg System and the Lionsberg Commons on behalf of all current and Future Generations.


The Lionsberg Membership Process is a journey of understanding, commitment, and engagement. It ensures that new members not only understand Lionsberg's ethos and values, but are also ready to contribute to its goals and objectives. Through this process, we welcome individuals who are inspired to join us in building a community and world rooted in respect, trust, responsibility, reciprocity, and love, co-operating in service of One and All.