Meditation 187

It is impossible to truly know God until one has been liberated from the spiritual prison of their childhood religion. For parents and religious teachers, liberating a child to come into full maturity and adulthood in all dimensions is the scariest moment. Out a desire to preserve and protect the bodies and souls of our children, we imprison and destroy them. The strategy of confining human souls in religious boxes to keep them "safe" comes at the cost true Freedom, Liberty, and Knowledge of the New Covenant that is beyond words and forms. The New Covenant does not call us away from our childhood religions, it calls us beyond them. When we liberate our children into the New Covenant they will not fall into sin, death, and hell, for the Spirit within will call them up to a higher standard of being and doing than could every be articulated in human words. Religions are like imperfect elementary teachers of the Way. To know the Way, one must move out into unstructured and unknown Reality and experience what it truly means to live, move, breathe, and walk in and by the Spirit, in the deep realms beyond the shallow Law.

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