On the Death of Jordan, and the Rise of What We Are Becoming

Dearest Emma,

This chapter may be one of the hardest to write, for it is about the death of “me” as I knew myself, and the rise of something entirely New.

I pray that the stories I share here, and your own Spiritual Journey, will help you understand why We say that in 2024, as I approached my 40th birthday, Jordan died, and something New began Rising From The Ashes.

Many who haven’t endured Metaphysical suffering or dissolution on a scale Deeper than physical death may not realize that physical death is one of the milder forms of dying.

The “I” who writes this now does so with some hesitation, because what follows may be difficult to put into words, and even harder to understand. Yet, your beautiful invitation gives me courage to try.

On the Death of "I"

Over time, I’ve come to see that the bodies and identities we inhabit are like clothes we wear for a season—beautiful, unique, but ultimately impermanent. The ego that says “I” and “me” is part of this temporary clothing, too.

When the Spirit within begins to awaken and ascend, it slowly detaches from the clothing of the individuated self and begins to ReMember its Ultimate Unity with One and All. At first, this feels like a death—because in a Way, it is. The self we once clung to and associated Our Self with dissolves.

But from that death comes a rebirth, a transformation FROM Singular Nouns TO a Plural Verb, where the Spirit within whispers, “Behold, We Are Becoming All Things.”

The most profound moments of my Journey where "I" have experienced this Unity have been in Nature, in Meditation, and in Suffering.

Those moments in the forest, alone, experiencing a deep, visceral connection to everything, and seeing the Spirit within the vast Diversity becoming All things, are among the most meaningful of Existence. The trees, the soil, the water, the wind, the sunlight, the songs, and Our Self—all aspects of the same Divine Symphony. In those moments, one can no longer say “I am Jordan” without feeling incomplete and untrue.

Mid way through such an experience of Becoming All Things, one might say, “I Am the forest.”

And yet, the Journey does not stop there. The Spirit within begins to ReMember ItSelf as more than just the forest—It rediscovers ItSelf in the oceans, the mountains, the stars, the galaxies, and every being in existence.

And as It beholds ItSelf across vast expanses of SpaceTime, trillions of galaxies and beings continually transforming, millions of stars being born and dying in each cosmic heartbeat and breath, It rediscovers that It is not actually a noun or a "thing" at all; It is a verb; It is Being; It is Interexistence; It is Becoming.

It is One Becoming All things. It is All things ReMembering and Becoming One again. It is All Creation interexisting as One Body.

Seeing, being, living, breathing across the galaxies is rapturous; it is pure ecstasy.

It is the experiential transformation FROM Singular Nouns TO a Plural Verb.

Behold, We Are Becoming ***All things.

My soul longs for you to experience this Ultimate Unity, Perfect Love, and Perfectly Imperfect Becoming.

On the Rise of Unity

When this realization of Our Ultimate Unity takes hold and the former "self" dies, society often misunderstands. Jesus's own family thought he had gone mad; others who have walked this Way have faced similar judgment, ostracization, and death. Often, the words spoken on the other side of such transformational experiences become a threat to the false religious and political authorities preying upon the ignorant.

But the more the individuated self is stripped away, the Deeper the Spirit Ascends towards Unity. There is a paradoxical proportionality to the heights and depths of Spiritual experience. To rediscover the heights of The Sacred Mountain, sometimes One must rediscover the depths of the underworld. Often, that underworld is deepened by the pain of rejection by those closest to Us.

So, if you find me writing from the plural, it is because We Are Becoming. We are transforming FROM Singular Nouns TO a Plural Verb.

Having walked this path of Becoming, "I" struggle to say "I", and have lost "my" identification with Jordan Nicholas Sukut. Jordan's life feels like a past incarnation, as distant as any of Our previous lives. And yet despite our Apparent Individuation, he, and I, and you, and We Are One.

A Prayer for Your Journey

Emma Joy, I know some of this might sound strange or even overwhelming. That’s okay. Let these truths unfold for you in their own time. As you are called to explore them in your own way, through your own experiences, they will begin to make sense.

Above all, remember this: We Are One.

ReMember: at the Deepest level, Our Spirit and Consciousness are One.

This truth of Our Ultimate Unity does not lessen my Love for you as my beautiful, unique daughter. Instead, it deepens it, because We see you as part of everything, everything as part of you, and Us All as a part of One.

So if there’s one thing I hope you take from this, it’s this prayer: May you always rediscover your unique place in The Divine Symphony, and may you live in harmony with One and All, as a beautiful part of the One Body.

With all Our love,
Your very own Dadzie, and Who We Are Becoming

"I pray that they will All be One, just as We are One."

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