when they try to cross the boundary, several of them get stuck.

running at it and smashing into it, bouncing off.

Tell the story of the dream.

Demonstrate the existential terror and fear of hell.

Demonstrate the abuse - the childhood... the play... what happened to you child?

Outside teh boundary, seeing babies for teh first time... seeing how things grow... struggle against nature and reality / society...

The struggle to forge teams.

Wandering in the desert...

Back and Forth between story and teaching / periodically picking the story back up.

"Quickly now. It is time to awaken. It is time to see. It is time to choose."

Let us rediscover the Patterns of Life. Quickly.

We are on the verge of a Potential that is exceedingly and abundantly beyond our ability to imagine or comprehend its splendor and Goodness.

Let us forsake the Patterns of Death. Quickly.

We are on the verge of a Potential that is exceedingly and abundantly beyond our ability to imagine or comprehend its horror.

The one thing that we know for certain is that the future cannot be a linear continuation of the past.

We are the ones who gets to choose the trajectory and the patterns.

Forces beyond our wildest imagination are in breaking to accelerate us, ever more rapidly, towards the inextricable, mathematical end of the logic we choose.

For the first time in human history, we will literally be programming our future according a logic.

As a result of our logic, generations of life to come will be either in a world that is like heaven right here on earth, and getting better every day…

…or a world that is like hell right here on earth, and getting worse every day.

What is our guiding [Philosophy]?

What is our guiding [Logic]?

What is our guiding [Logos]?

What is our guiding [Structure of Values]?

Towards what [End] are we striving?

If we desire to move towards [Life], there is [Way].

Even at this late hour, there is still and always a [Way] back towards [Life].

But we must awaken, see, [Perceive], and choose wisely.

The hour is late, let us [Move].