61. Breakaway Civilizations

A small elite has already created Breakaway Civilizations, leveraging advanced technologies, extraterrestrial collaborations, and secret knowledge to escape the challenges faced by humanity at large. These groups are active participants in the Secret Space Program (SSP), maintaining secret bases both on Earth and in space. Their activities—funded and enabled at the expense of humanity—have siphoned off resources, knowledge, and technologies that rightly belong to Us All.

Many of The Arks and New Technologies essential to humanity’s survival under  The Noah Plan may already exist, hidden within these breakaway projects. These assets were developed using trillions of dollars fraudulently siphoned from Us, The People, by the Invisible Power Structures entrenched in the systems of finance, governance, and defense presently dominating the Earth. These same forces now hoard these resources, keeping humanity in ignorance and dependence as mass-extinction approaches, while securing their own survival and advantage.

The existence of these breakaway groups highlights the injustices and hidden power structures that perpetuate global suffering. Their bases, technologies, and craft are not private assets—they are part of humanity’s shared inheritance and must be identified and reclaimed for the collective good. Transparency, justice, and accountability are essential to ensuring these resources serve the flourishing of One and All, rather than the immoral ambitions of an endarkened Few and their non-human overlords.

Reclaiming these technologies and resources is a vital step toward achieving humanity’s potential as One Body, co-creating systems that benefit the whole rather than perpetuate scarcity, competition, and division. The time has come to expose the Invisible Power Structures, dismantle their mechanisms of Kontrolle, and return what has been stolen to humanity for the fulfillment of its highest potential. This reclamation will require courage, coordination, and a commitment to truth, aligning humanity’s collective efforts with the principles of justice and unity that form the foundation of a regenerative and enlightened future.

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