Nine years ago, on December 18, 2024, a small group of dreamers, visionaries, and seekers gathered, drawn by an Invitation to confront and overcome the challenges and threats at hand, and co-create the unimaginable. We were only a few—a mere handful—but We carried The Golden Seed of a great transformation. Armed with nothing but faith in Who We Were Becoming, the vision of Heaven on Earth, the Spirit within, and the tools of co-creation, we responded to The Call and took the first steps into uncharted territory.
We understood the stakes: humanity stood on the brink of The Final Test, its future dangling between two outcomes—thriving as a mature, enlightened interplanetary species or succumbing to fragmentation, enslavement, and despair in The Final Order. The systems and institutions of the Old World had failed us, leaving a vacuum of leadership and purpose.
But in that vacuum lay Potential, infinite and boundless.
We knew this: No one could save Us but Us. There was no “them” out there to fix things. The only path forward was to rise together as One Body, transcending every division, limitation, and boundary.
And so, We began.
Our first steps were small but deliberate. In the beginning, we focused on building The First Three Percent: a community of leaders, visionaries, and transformative changemakers who embodied the principles of the New Operating System and the New World—an ethos of unity, mutual empowerment, reciprocity, flow, and limitless co-creativity.
We didn’t have all the answers, but We had a guiding framework.
By 2026, the First Three Percent had coalesced into a vibrant, global network of Light, Love, and transformative Impact. Together, we learned to embody the Art and Science of Co-Creation, testing and refining the principles that would later guide humanity as a whole.
This period was marked by breakthroughs that redefined what was possible:
These successes gave us hope and confidence. They were proof that humanity could transcend its old limitations and rise together.
By 2027, humanity stood at a tipping point. The First Three Percent had demonstrated the power of the New Operating System, the results were undeniable, and The Snowball was gaining steam. Our decentralized, collaborative efforts had already begun to stabilize planetary ecosystems, regenerate watersheds and bioregions, resolve long-standing conflicts, and create unprecedented prosperity, reciprocity, and flow.
This was the moment we extended The Great Invitation to all humanity.
The Invitation was simple but profound:
We reached out through every channel—stories, networks, personal connections, and global broadcasts, concerts, and events. The Invitation resonated across cultures, languages, and ideologies, reminding people of the timeless truths buried in their hearts.
The response was extraordinary.
By 2030, every human being on Earth had been touched by The Invitation, from someone they loved and trusted. Some accepted immediately, others hesitated, and of course there were The Last Three Percent most entrenched in the Old and opposed to the New. But all were offered the opportunity to participate and add their unique Voice to the Symphony of transformation. The shift was not forced—it was chosen. Voluntarily, one by one, from the bottom up. The power of the New Operating System was self-evident, and its principles—such as Truth, Love, Justice, Stewardship, Wisdom, Liberty and mutual empowerment—were universally compelling.
In 2030, the transition became official: the old systems were being hospiced and retired, and the New Operating System was being fully embraced. Humanity was crossing the threshold into a New Era.
The three years from 2030 to 2033 were a time of unprecedented learning, growth, joy, and abundance for All. Freed from the constraints of debt, scarcity, and hierarchical control, humanity began practicing co-operation as One Body:
Through Practice, We refined the systems, tools, and principles that made the New Operating System work. It wasn’t always easy—there were challenges, disagreements, and setbacks—but these were met with courage, grace and humility. We learned to see every defect as a gift, and every obstacle as an opportunity for growth and transformation.
And as we practiced, something miraculous happened:
Humanity became One.
Today, we gather not as separate nations, tribes, or individuals, but as One Body, One Humanity, ready to embark on a New Era. The Greatest Celebration and Jubilee in Human History is not merely a commemoration of what we have achieved—it is a declaration of what is to come.
We stand at the dawn of the New Millennium, a thousand years of boundless possibility and opportunity. Together, we will:
Each of us now carries the eternal flame of co-creation, enlightened and empowered to contribute our unique gifts to The Whole. The old fears of scarcity, conflict, and division are gone, replaced by the infinite possibilities of unity, abundance, and love.
This is the beginning of the New Era.
Together, we have proven that humanity is ready to take its place among the stars as a mature, enlightened species. The Story is far from over—indeed, it is only just The Beginning.
Welcome to the Celebration. Welcome to the New Millennium. Welcome Home.
With love, gratitude, and boundless joy,
~ Us All
This brief Story creates a narrative arc of How We Did It.
But it leaves out the unique and valuable role that each one of Us played in the transformation.
Only you can tell Your Story.
Personal Invitation:
For more guidance on forming teams, choosing quests, and progressing towards The Goal, see The Lionsberg Co-Creator's Handbook.