Above The Chaos, Make Reality Intersubjective Again

By Jordan Nicholas Sukut, 2024.05.04 (updated 2024.05.04)

A post in Above The Chaos

On a call this week, as we were discussing (technically) the issue of Identity, a co-creator said something really interesting, to the effect of:

"I find myself in an ongoing battle against objectivism. Let's make Reality intersubjective again. Objectivism leads to totalitarianism. We have to be really careful about what technology we build."

I was then in Literary Dialogue with a clinical psychologist who casually remarked that that the information obtained through therapeutic process was obtained Non-Dualistically through the Intersubjective Unfolding of the dialogical interaction.

Through the door of quantum physics, we discover the measurement problem, which reveals that interacting with a system to obtain information about its state transforms the system and can cause it to change its state, a phenomenon known as Wave Function Collapse, followed a few steps down the logical pathway by Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle.

Through the door of mathematics, we discover via Godel's Incompleteness Theorems that a complete and internally consistent set of axioms can never be created. Adding axioms to make the system more complete makes the system inconsistent, and even an infinite list of axioms can never be complete and consistent.

Through the door of religion, we discover from some of the earliest revelations that Ultimate Reality is One (first commandment), and that we cannot make an image of it (second commandment).

Through the door of a spiritual teacher, we discover that although he has known people for 40 or 50 years, he still tries to have no opinion or judgement about them, and to discover and collaborate with them anew each day. This avoids Wave Function Collapse.

Through the door of neuropsychology, down the hallway of Hemispheric Specialization, we discover that whereas the Right Hemisphere is concerned with Omniconsiderate Completeness, the Left Hemisphere is concerned with Internal Consistency, and there significant resources are expended to actively inhibit communication between the hemispheres.

Further down the pathway of meaningful encoded in our most sacred stories, we discover that that the sin of idolatry applies not only to One, but also to All. When we say that Everything Is A Burning Bush, we mean that any aspect of Reality, if we pause, attend, and investigate it deeply enough, will ultimately lead us back to the One.

This is so, so, so damn important.

What this actually means is that Objects cannot be Known. They can only be intersubjectively investigated in a sub-context, which leads to an Intersubjective Unfolding that transforms the Reality we interexist through.

Crucially, we must understand that the first degree of transformative investigation is simply Attention. To begin to Know about about something, we must attend to it, and the nature and act of Attention is inherently transformative.

Even more fundamentally, it means that Objects do not exist except as an illusion of separateness.

Technically, when we Attend to something, we are experiencing an individuated and incarnate fragment of Consciousness perceiving another dimension or aspect of its Self.

The awareness of the Ultimately Ineffable Whole can embrace the elementary findings of its partial investigation, however the elementary findings of partial investigation can never embrace the Ultimately Ineffable Whole.

Which leads us to subject of Reputation.

Human beings wear many hats and move through many Domains. In each Domain, their Identity, Roles, and Reputation shifts.

In one moment I am in the Spirit. In the next I am a father. In the next I am a lover and spouse. In the next I am a son. In the next I am a grandson. In the next I am an uncle. In the next I am leading a team. In the next I am participating on a team. In the next I am in a congregation. In the next I am a customer. In the next I am a guest. In the next I am leading a movement. In the next I am a host. In the next I am a friend. In the next I am a stranger. In the next I am a protector. In the next I am a lender. In the next I am a debtor. In the next I am eating a piece of meat. In the next I am rescuing a few teaspoons of soil from the trash.

Who am I? What is my reputation?

I learned something very profound working with a vast array of individuals and teams to move mountains and transform the world. Let us take for example a certain bulldozer operator. I could talk to one foreman who saw him as God's gift to the world, the one person of all who truly made the symphony of machines work. I could talk to another foreman who was convinced he was the most worthless piece of sh*@t ever, and who would rather shut down the project than have to work a day with that a#$hole. His wife also thought something about him. His daughter also thought something about him. His peers in Alcoholics Anonymous also thought something about him. His churchmates also thought something about him. The guy he helped change his tire on the side of the road also thought something about him.

Who am I? What is his reputation?

It is for this reason that it has been said:

  • "Judge not, lest ye be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the standard you measure, it will be measured unto you."
  • "Forgive us our sins / debts, as we forgive those who sin against / are indebted to us."
  • "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.

So from the standpoint of avoiding totalitarian objectification and embracing intersubjective and interexistent nature of Reality:

  1. The apparent Object of our Perception is an aspect of our mutual interexistence in One
  2. Through attention we are transforming One Another via an Intersubjective Unfolding
  3. This is occurring in:
    1. a perceived SpatioTemporal Domain that is ultimately an illusion
    2. A micro-context that is an aspect of the Macro-Context of The Whole
  4. Both the Perceiver and Perceived have a State or Condition
    1. That when investigated or measured transforms
    2. That cannot ultimately be Known
    3. That is more or less True, that is to say, more or less in harmony, alignment, and coherence with Ultimate Reality
  5. When the State of Being, or level of Coherence or Accordance with Ultimate Reality, of a perceptual Object falls outside a given Range of Tolerance, it must be investigated, and the Range of Tolerance must be increased, or the Information discarded.
    1. This is akin to (something like) homestatic function in a body
    2. The maintenance of Stability within a Range of Tolerance, coupled with ongoing Adaptation and Conformance to an Intersubjectively Unfurling Reality.

Technical, but important, notes.

This understanding must inform our Living Systems Data Model, as well as The Platform that eventually extends Identity to All who voluntarily choose to participate in it.